The following restaurant inspections with critical violations were conducted by Richland Public Health between April 28 and May 2:
• Storyside Café, 541 W. Ohio 97, Bellville, April 28. Private water system not sampled or tested as required (critical repeat). Person in charge (PIC) unable to provide current water sample. Ensure records are maintained in facility. PIC states he will obtain and email copy of test to sanitarian. Correct by May 5. Presence of rodents (critical). Observed mouse droppings inside cabinets along back wall. Clean and remove evidence of rodent activity and monitor area for further activity. If further activity is observed, contact licensed pest control company. Correct by May 5.
• TJ's Hotel, 10 W. Main St., Shiloh, April 28. Employees are not informed in a verifiable manner of their responsibility to report information about their health (critical repeat, corrected during inspection). Facility does not have employee illness agreements. EH specialist provided at time of inspection.
• St. Peter's Catholic High School, 104 W. 1st St., Mansfield, April 28. Food employee(s) did not wash hands when required (critical, corrected during inspection). Food worker observed donning new gloves without first washing hands. Food not properly protected from contamination by separation, packaging and segregation (critical, corrected during inspection). Bread sticks observed on cart unattended and uncovered subject to sneeze, splash, dirt and dust. Quaternary ammonium sanitizing solution at incorrect temperature, concentration, and/or water hardness (critical, corrected during inspection). Wiping cloth buckets both measured no sanitizer present in bucket. TCS foods not being cold held at the proper temperature (critical repeat, corrected during inspection). Tossed salad measured 47 degrees in cold ice bath on serving line. Replaced with pan of tossed salad from walk-in cooler.
• Bloomin' Tasty Tater, 77 Mill St., Lexington, April 28. Equipment food-contact surfaces or utensils are unclean (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed potato slicer with old food residue.
• The Golden Burrito #2, 1740 Park Avenue West, Ontario, April 29. PIC unable to demonstrate knowledge by having no critical violations (critical repeat, corrected during inspection). Handwashing sink not accessible (critical repeat, corrected during inspection). Pepsi machine is blocking the front hand washing sink. During follow up inspection, employee moved Pepsi machine to allow access to hand washing sink.
• Fair Board Auxiliary - Youth Hall Cafeteria, 750 N. Home Road, Mansfield, April 29. Improper storage of poisonous or toxic materials (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed a can of cleaner sitting on a shelf above canned goods. Presence of live insects, rodents, and other pests (critical). Observed droppings on the floor and inside the cabinets under the front counter where orders are taken. Correct by April 30. Manual wash solution not being maintained at 110 degrees or above (critical, corrected during inspection). Wash water in the three compartment sink was at 104 degrees.
• Bamm's Flipside Grill, 4942 Dinninger Road, Shelby, April 30. Improper storage of poisonous or toxic materials (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed a container of disinfecting wipes sitting on the top of the make table cooler.
• Lexington High School, 103 Clever Lane, Lexington, May 2. Food employee(s) did not wash hands when required (critical, corrected during inspection). Food employee was observed donning new gloves without first washing hands. Chlorine sanitizing solution at incorrect temperature and/or concentration (critical, corrected during inspection). Wiping cloth bucket on line two had no sanitizer detected. Improper display of poisonous or toxic materials offered for retail sale (critical, corrected during inspection). Band Booster concession stand had hornet spray stored inside building. Item was removed from food service. Fruits or vegetables for hot holding not cooked to 135 degrees (critical, corrected during inspection). Broccoli on food line measured only 113 degrees; reheated to 169 degrees. Insufficient air gap between the flood rim and the water supply inlet (critical). Spray nozzle in warewashing area of cafeteria observed with no air gap
• Panera Bread #4787, 1402 Lexington Ave., Mansfield, May 2. TCS foods not being hot held at the proper temperature (critical, corrected during inspection). One sausage patty and one egg white had internal temperatures of 110 degrees and had been in hot holding for about one hour. PIC voluntarily discarded items. Food contact surfaces not easily cleanable (critical, corrected during inspection). Scissors used for opening food bags could not be separated to clean between blades. Will not use until replaced with shears that are easily cleanable.
For full inspection details, visit