Discover the full range of EU Ecolabel products and criteria.
The EU Ecolabel covers a wide range of products that we use in our day-to-day home and work life, products for professionals, as well as tourist accommodation.
The EU Ecolabel sets criteria for these products to minimise their main environmental impacts over their entire life cycle. The European Commission, Member States, competent bodies and other stakeholders may initiate and lead the development or revision of EU Ecolabel criteria. These criteria are developed by experts in the field, in consultation with key stakeholders including industry and consumers associations. Because the life cycle of every product and service is different, the criteria are tailored to address the unique characteristics of each product type.
The criteria are revised periodically to reflect technical innovations, for example in material production processes or in emission reductions, as well as changes in the market and in EU policies. This revision process reinforces the trust that consumers and professionals place in the EU Ecolabel to only include high quality goods and services that respect the latest environmental standards.
For more information on the criteria setting process, please see the "Product groups under development" section below or visit the European Product Bureau by the JRC.
Check out all the products groups currently covered by the EU Ecolabel, as well as their selection criteria, helpful guidance for applying for the EU Ecolabel and other relevant documents below.
Clean privately or professionally with less substances.
Textiles and footwear with sustainable fibres.
Floor, roof, and all coverings reducing an impact on land.
Paint and varnishes which are safe for you, your family, and the environment.
Energy efficient screens and displays, built for the future.
Make the spaces we are in safer, reducing impacts on the forests.
Provide the best conditions for your garden to thrive.
Find your next eco-friendly holiday accommodation.
Care for biodiversity and avoid hazardous substances.
Lower your daily environmental impact with eco-friendly alternatives.
Find everything for your daily routine from cosmetics to hygiene products.
The European Commission started the development of criteria for Financial products in October 2018.
More information can be found on the European Product Bureau website.
The Commission carried out a study on the feasibility of developing EU Ecolabel criteria for food and feed products. Read the final report of the feasibility study and the opinion of the European Union Ecolabelling Board.
Based on the findings, the Commission is currently not intending to develop EU Ecolabel criteria for food and feed products. The Commission could, however, revisit this issue in the future within in the context of the EU Ecolabel’s potential role in the development of any wider EU food strategy, in particular in light of developments in methodologies and tools for measuring the environmental impact (including by, for example, environmental foot-printing) of food and feed products.
Development of EU Ecolabel criteria for office buildings has been put on hold while the European Commission develops a framework with core indicators for the assessment of the environmental performance of buildings. This work is part of the implementation of the Communication Resource Efficiency Opportunities in the Building Sector (COM (2014) 445).
Development of EU green public procurement (GPP) criteria related to life cycle and climate resilience based on Level(s): The current EU GPP criteria for office buildings are being revised and publication is scheduled for end 2022. The revision process should include an analysis of the possible extension of the scope, in particular to include other types of buildings such as schools and residential buildings (social housing). More information can be found here.
Anyone who wishes to propose a new product group to be included in the EU Ecolabel scheme can do so by filling out the product group development form. Additionally, anyone can also volunteer to lead the criteria development process by filling out the criteria development form, presenting reasons why the new category is proposed. The EU Ecolabelling Board, which meets at least twice a year, reviews all applications and may make selections for new product groups to be developed accordingly.
After considering all proposals, the EUEB will select priority product groups for which the criteria will be developed in the following years.
Considering the priorities identified in the Strategic EU Ecolabel Work Plan 2020 – 2024, please note that no request for development of criteria for new product groups can be considered in 2022.
On 30 and 31 May, the EU Ecolabel will celebrate its 30th anniversary at EU Green Week. A special birthday party on 31 May will include the launch of a new ‘Showroom on Wheels!’ to showcase the scheme’s contributions to environmental excellence and sustainable consumer choices.
The growth of EU Ecolabel products continues in the year of its 30th anniversary.
The EC has proposed new initiatives that align with the EU Ecolabel standard of environmental excellence.