PICKAWAY COUNTY - Minor Fire in Sofidel Due to Mechanical Issue - Scioto Post

2022-05-14 02:04:16 By : Mr. chao yu

PICKAWAY – A fire was reported at Sofidel Inc tonight on US-23 but we didn’t report it because it was pretty minor.

The call came in around 9:15 pm of smoke in a rewinder, a piece of equipment that rolls up large bundles of tissue paper. The motor overloaded started to smoke and fill the room. This prompted a 911 call and fire departments to respond.

Sofidel has a sophisticated fire system that includes sprinklers due to the product they create a very flammable tissue paper for paper towels and toiletries. Any minor fire will send the fire departments to the scene in the masses, most of the time to roll back out unused. That’s what happened today, a minor motor fire that was contained quickly, and departments were sent on their way.

We don’t usually report these fires because they turn out to be not much, and well it gives a company a bad name. Sofidel produces tons of tissue paper a day and once in a while issues happen, motors fail and it’s better to be safe than sorry and call the local fire departments.

Below you will find a walk-through of the massive plant and the systems they have in place.

Pickaway County Welcome Center and Visitors Bureau