T his is what happens when you die. Electricity stops flowing through your neural circuitry and consciousness shuts down as though a switch has been flicked. Blood keeps moving for a while, ebbing without the heart’s propulsion before succumbing to gravity and pooling in the lowe
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On the night of January 8, Robert Taylor, a tourist from Arizona, popped some money into a slot machine at Treasure Island Hotel & Casino in
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The rising cost of living has become a key concern for Australians all across the country, with high inflation and back-to-back inter
ATLANTA, August 12, 2022 /CSRwire/ - Education is a powerful tool and no one knows that more than teachers. That’s why their job never really ends, not even during the summer.
Most are busy planning lessons or attending professional development sessions, like the 22 high school teacher
August 11, 2022 07:00 ET | Source: KP Tissue Inc. KP Tissue Inc.
MISSISSAUGA, Ontario, Aug. 11, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- KP Tissue Inc.
There's just something about Southwire in Hawesville. They always find a way to give back to those in need. They've been doing it for so long, so it's no surprise they want to give back to those impacted by the devastating flooding in Eastern Kentucky. Here's how you can he
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An egg meets a sperm – that’s a necessary first step in life’s beginnings, and it’s also a common first step in embryonic development research. But in a Weizmann Institute of Science study published today in Cell, r
Ill African American girl blowing a nose at home while her mother is consoling her.
This story on CRISPR is part of an extended series on Regenerative Medicine. For other stories on this topic see williamhaseltine.com and search for Regenerative Medicine. My definition of Regenerative Me
A column about the small and simple changes we can make to reduce our carbon footprint and save some money too.
There’s been a spill – quickly we reach for the kitchen roll to mop it up. It’s useful and convenient but the cumulative negative effect on the environment is surp