If you haven’t really looked at a baby in several years, it’s easy to forget how perfect they are.
Perfect little ears. Perfect little nose. Bright little eyes. Giggly little mouth. All that promise. All that potential. All those life experiences ahead. All the technological and natural wonders they’ll experience. All the love they’ll find.
It’s all right there, squirming in my arms, when I hold my first grandbaby.
But because holding a baby is to hold the future, it forces you to reassess the current state of the world. And, frankly, I’m embarrassed.
Another war in Europe. Really? Another monstrous psychopath attacks a peaceful country in a blatant land grab, this time bringing the world to the edge of not just world war, but nuclear annihilation. Really?
The idea that in 2022, if some imaginary line is crossed by European soldiers, my grandbaby’s father, like his great-grandfather and grandfather before him, could be drafted to fight in a war “over there” is ridiculous.
That’s three times in about 100 years that Europe has burst into an inferno of barbaric violence that threatens all of us. Three strikes and you’re out. Three world wars and it’s time to put the whole continent into some kind of trusteeship.
For all their vaunted sophistication and education, it’s clear they’re incapable of handling their affairs without periodically risking the survival of every man, woman, and child on the planet.
Also, like many of us, I assumed that the end of the Cold War meant that nuclear weapons were on the way out because the world had finally realized nothing’s worth the wholesale slaughter of a nuclear exchange. But it turns out the insanity rolls on.
The U.S. now is playing catchup because China and Russia have been developing hypersonic missiles that travel at about 1 mile per second and can change direction en route. Their combination of speed and maneuverability renders them invincible to antimissile systems.
Also, because they fly much lower than conventional ICBMs, tracking them is difficult. All of which means that if a country detected an incoming hypersonic missile, it would have no time to do anything other than consider it a first strike and immediately unload its nuclear arsenal on the attacker: a real-life Doomsday Machine. Somewhere, Dr. Strangelove is sneering.
I’m a big fan of speaking softly and carrying a big stick. But when the stick is so big it can all but wipe out humanity and an ex-KGB colonel is threatening to use it, maybe it’s incumbent on the grandparents of the world to ask, “Is there an alternative to sacrificing millions of lives to stop the mad ambitions of a bloodthirsty tyrant?”
I’m also embarrassed about the COVID endgame.
According to the World Health Organization, the COVID epidemic has killed more than 6 million people worldwide. Efforts to investigate its origin have failed because China refused to cooperate. Governments shrugged their shoulders as if to say, “Well, what can you expect from the Chinese?” Really?
Six million of us died and rather than figure out what happened to prevent a recurrence, you’re willing to give China a pass?
Maybe threats to the human race demand a direct response from the human race. Today, billions of people worldwide can coordinate with each other using the internet. What if before purchasing any product, including energy, people simply agreed to first look for alternatives to products made in China until the Chinese government agrees to cooperate with efforts to investigate COVID’s origin?
What if we did the same with any country that attacked a peaceful neighbor? Or persisted in developing a Doomsday Machine?
If that won’t work, then somebody come up with a better idea.
Because vast numbers of us ordinary people died during COVID and will die in a nuclear exchange, shouldn’t we try to do something to stop the carnage, for the sake of our babies and their perfect little ears?
Peter Merkl lives in Corpus Christi.