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The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 866-366-3723, uses a risk-based inspection reporting process for restaurants and other food handlers.
Rite Aid, 4630 Perkiomen Ave, July 28, Pass. No violations.
Fleetwood Beverages, 2 E Race St, July 29, Pass. No violations.
Johnny and Hons Smokehaus, 924 W Penn Ave, July 28, Fail. Cover is off of ice machine in storage room leaving ice mold plates exposed to contamination from the storage room. Non-food contact surfaces not cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation of dirt and soil. Walk in shelves have mold /dirt build up also old food spilled under shelving units. Observed clean food equipment and/or utensils in bins in French fry cutting area, stored uncovered or not inverted. Rear door located in the storage area of the food facility has a gap and does not protect against the entry of insects, rodents, and other animals. Wall mounted french fry cutter, a food contact surface, was observed to have old food residue and was not clean to sight and touch. Also Ice machine in storage room has lime, mold build up on ice mold plates, top of interior bin. Potential rodent harborage areas on the exterior of the building perimeter observed in behind kitchen door area due to unused equipment/high weeds. Working containers in bar areas, used for storing chemicals, cleaners taken from bulk supplies, were not marked with the common name of the chemical. This is a repeat violation. Corrected. Shelving racks in the walk-in cooler are getting rusty and are no longer smooth easy to clean surfaces. Temperature measuring device for ensuring proper temperature of equipment is not available or readily accessible in pavilion refrigerator equipment holding juices and milks. Steam table drain hose is down into floor drain and does not have a proper air gap, also drain needs a cover. Old unused/broken equipment stored in rear kitchen area, should be removed from food facility.
Hoober’s Produce, 2934 N 5th St, July 23, Pass. No violations.
Subway Restaurant, 5370 Allentown Pike, July 29, Pass. Food dispensing utensil in chip steak, and bulk bin foods observed stored in the food and not with handle above the top of the food. Corrected immediately on inspection. Food employees observed in the subway prep area, not wearing proper hair restraints, such as nets, hats, or beard covers. Phones and other personal items observed on food prep tables potentially contaminating food. Food Employee Certification not properly displayed.
Sunoco Bellevue, 100 W Bellevue Ave, July 29, Pass. Manual warewashing hot water temperature is not reaching 110°F. Slushy dispenser spout, a food contact surface, was observed to have food residue and was not clean to sight and touch.
Wawa Food Market, 3650 Pottsville Pike, July 29, Pass. No violations.
3 Brothers Mexican Grill, 1635 Centre Ave, July 26, Pass. Paper towel dispenser empty at the handwash sink in the kitchen area. Mops are not being hung to air dry.
Dollar General, 1920 Kutztown Rd, July 26, Pass. No violations.
Frank’s Trattoria, 440 Leigh St, July 26, Fail. Food was held at 55°F, in the bain marie in the kitchen area, rather than 41°F or below as required. Unit is not to be used until repaired. Ventilation hood is in need of a professional cleaning documentation required. Food contact surface's, were observed to have food residue and were not clean to sight and touch.Grease Trap is in need of a professional cleaning. General unsanitary conditions were observed throughout the facility.
Nandi LLC (Subway), 1920 N 5th St, July 26, Pass. No violations.
Little Caesars Pizza, 1920 Kutztown Rd, July 27, Pass. No violations.
Turkey Hill, 2001 Kutztown Rd, July 27, Pass. Several containers of milk were found to be out for public sale past the sell by date.
Glenside Grocery, 1230 Schuylkill Ave, July 28, Pass. No violations.
Restaurant Salva, 900 Schuylkill Ave, July 28, Pass. No violations.
Romana Deli and Grocery, 780 Schuylkill Ave, July 28, Pass. No violations.
Villalba Deli Grocery, 1252 Schuylkill Ave, July 28, Pass. No violations.
Leyenda Deli Grocery, 653 Schuylkill Ave, July 29, Pass. No violations.
Moselem Springs Golf Club, 684 Eagle Rd, July 29, Pass. Chlorine chemical sanitizer residual detected in the final sanitizer rinse cycle of the low temperature sanitizing dishwasher was 0 ppm, and not 50-100 ppm as required. Corrected immediately by repositioning the feed line and priming the machine. Cleaned and sanitized spoons located in the bar area, are stored with food contact surfaces / food or lip area exposed to hand contact when retrieved by food employees. Corrected. Observed an accumulation of old food debris and other dirt on the floor under equipment throughout the kitchen. Side door on the trash receptacle / waste handling unit outside is not closed. One of the soda guns at the bar, a food contact surface, was observed to have residue and was not clean to sight and touch. Corrected. Soap was not available at the handwash sink in the bar area. Corrected.
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The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 866-366-3723, uses a risk-based inspection repor…
The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 866-366-3723, uses a risk-based inspection repor…
The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 866-366-3723, uses a risk-based inspection repor…
The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 866-366-3723, uses a risk-based inspection repor…
The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 866-366-3723, uses a risk-based inspection repor…
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