Herald: WISH for a dignified life comes true

2022-06-24 20:43:21 By : Mr. Roger Cao

Women recused from the clutches of commercial sex exploitation by NGO Anyay Rahit Zindagi (ARZ) have only one WISH, which is a dignified and financially secured life.

That got fulfilled by ARZ on Monday, which has started a commercial venture to economically empower victims of sexual violence in Goa named WISH – Women Initiative For Self Help is an initiative of Arz (Anyay Rahit Zindagi).

This is the second commercial venture to help these women after the mechanized laundry unit, Swift Wash, which provided employment to the victims of sex trafficking. Swift Wash, for nearly 15 years, successfully rehabilitated around 1500 victims of sex trafficking in Goa. The unit had to be closed in 2021 due to COVID.

“I am extremely happy to have got employment opportunity in this factory as paper bag maker. This life is far better and dignified than what I led in the past. I always dreamt of something like this. I am glad my wish has come true,” said one of rescued women working in this unit.

Another woman rehabilitated former commercial sex, working in the same unit as toilet rolls machine operator, said that although she and other fellow workers didn’t have any knowledge about handling machines, they were given formal training and now they are confident in producing the paper products.

“I am happy to be here as a machine operator. It was initially tough for all of us, but we were determined to learn and work because none of us want to go back to the dark past,” she said.

Another employee at the unit operating tissue paper making machine, said if this unit performs well, then she would like to continue here till she lived.

“There’s self respect, discipline and secured income. Moreover, after me, my daughter can take my place. She won’t be forced to look for work elsewhere and land up getting exploited like me,” she loved.

“Arz believes that the victims of sex trafficking require alternative livelihood to exit from abuse and exploitation. Arz with the support of ECPAT Luxembourg, has setup a paper products production unit to produce tissue papers, toilet rolls, paper bags, paper envelops, etc. to provide employment to women and girls who are vulnerable or victims of sexual violence,” said Juliana Lohar, coordinator with ARZ Goa.

Founder of ARZ Arunendra Pandey said believes that economic rehabilitation of the victims or those vulnerable to sexual violence in Goa is possible only with the participation and support of the public.

“The public can contribute by buying tissue papers, toilet rolls, paper bags, paper envelops, produced at WISH and help the victims live a dignified life,” Pandey said.

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