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However, a clever and affordable gadget to make sure your shampoo or lotion never ruins your clothes again. It was highlighted by a content creator sharing her favourite Amazon picks.
The products were detailed by Arielle Brimhall, a children's book author who shares her Amazon Finds with TikTok users.
She boasts 53.8k followers on the app, where she detailed this "Amazon travel must-have."
The product is designed to prevent toiletries from spilling into your suitcase, an expensive mistake that can ruin your clothes and other items.
Arielle said: "Seriously, some people just are geniuses and come up with the best products, and this definitely one of them.
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"These are LeakLocks, they are elastic sleeves that allow you to cover shampoo bottles, make-up, sunscreen, or whatever might leak in your luggage while you are travelling.
"They are incredibly stretchy and will cover most full size and travel size toiletries.
"They are also reusable, super durable and they come in packs of four."
The LeakLocks, also known as "toiletry skins".
The versions the Amazon fan linked have sold out, but other similar products sell for around £10.
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Some TikTok commenters were wowed by the innovative product.
One said: "One time my sunscreen exploded all over my bag and ruined my favorite dress. Wish I'd had this!"
Another said: "I needed these for years! Why didn’t I think this up myself?"
Another wrote: "Omg I always have stuff leak! I will try it!" [sic]
However, others use another method to stop leaking products from ruining their packing.
One said: "I place plastic wrapping paper to do the same. It is helpful. When I don't, stuff spills."
Another said: "Genius is just using Ziploc bags you already have in your pantry."
One wrote: "Or just stick some cling film over the inner cap and put the top cap back on. Cheap as chips."
A flight attendant recently told Express readers about a hidden sign on most aeroplanes helping passengers store their luggage properly.
She claimed to know about the little-known sign is "life-changing".
The video has had a whopping 384,000 views since it was posted.
In it, Kat told her followers: "I have three tips that are going to help you with your anxiety when it comes to luggage, and they are going to be life-changing for you."
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