A new book by a New York Times reporter claims former President Donald Trump said he’s “never leaving” the White House following his loss in the 2020 election, according CNN.
“We’re never leaving,” Trump reportedly told an aide, the news outlet reported. “How can you leave when you won an election?”
The book, “Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America,” is set to be released on Oct. 4.
“Interviews with hundreds of sources and numerous interviews over the years with Trump himself portray a complicated and often contradictory historical figure,” the Amazon description reads. “Capable of kindness but relying on casual cruelty as it suits his purposes. Pugnacious. Insecure. Lonely. Vindictive. Menacing. Smarter than his critics contend and colder and more calculating than his allies believe. A man who embedded himself in popular culture, galvanizing support for a run for high office that he began preliminary spadework for 30 years ago, to ultimately become a president who pushed American democracy to the brink.”
Trump was asked by a reported on Nov. 26, 2020, if he’d leave the White House if he lost the election.
“Certainly I will, and you know that,” he said, according to CNN.
Trump did eventually leave, however, he continued to repeat baseless assertions of political corruption, machine tampering and mysterious votes appearing out of nowhere that allowed Joe Biden to steal the election, according to the Associated Press.
The book also includes photos of wads of paper clogging a toilet.
“It was an extension of Trump’s term-long habit of ripping up documents that were supposed to be preserved under the Presidential Records Act,” the author told Axios.
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