Gatorade is phasing in a reduction in the size of its 32-ounce bottle to 28 ounces.
Those packages of tortilla and potato chips are feeling lighter these days. Supermarket containers of fresh-squeezed orange juice are downsized from 64 ounces to 48 or 59 ounces. And packs of toilet paper have fewer two-ply sheets.
Shrinking packages are a constant at the supermarket, but they become more common and noticeable during periods of inflation. Faced with skyrocketing costs for raw materials such as flour, eggs, butter, paper packaging and energy, consumer-product companies launched a new round of package downsizing over the past year. Industry experts say for consumers, it’s a more palatable alternative to straight-up price increases.
“People don’t remember the quantities,” says Alexander Chernev, professor of marketing at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. “They don’t care.”
Data on package size is hard to come by because manufacturers report only an aggregated number that reflects price increases, smaller packages or reformulations. Mondelez International, for example, reported a 10.2% price increase for North America in the second quarter, and Kraft Heinz increased prices by 13.1% for the same period.
Boston-area consumer advocate Ed Dworsky publishes packaging changes on his website,, largely collected largely from reader tips. “I think companies understand that people consider it kind of a nasty practice,” Dworsky says.
His site highlights recent downsizing by Sparkle paper towels, Chobani yogurt, Dove body wash and Post Cocoa Pebbles. Angel Soft cut the number of its sheets by almost 25% from 425 to 320. “I can’t think of a more dramatic downsizing that that one,” he says.
A spokeswoman for Angel Soft maker Georgia Pacific says the changes don’t qualify as "shrinkflation," which is paying the same amount for a smaller package. “While we have reduced the number of sheets per roll, in some cases we added more rolls to the package so that consumers get a similar number of sheets at a similar value,” she said in an email. “In other cases, the number of rolls in the pack remained the same but the suggested retail price was reduced. In both cases, we improved the thickness of the sheet which consumers told us they preferred.”
Recent examples from Chicago-area producers include Quaker’s Life cereal, downsized this spring from 24.8 ounces to 22.3 ounces. Earlier in the year, Gatorade reduced the size of its 32-ounce bottle to 28 ounces. A representative for parent PepsiCo didn’t respond to an email seeking comment.
Keebler’s Chips Deluxe cookies with M&Ms went from 11.3 ounces to 9.75 ounces, and its E.L. Fudge Elfwich cookies were reduced from 13.6 ounces to 12 ounces. A representative of Keebler parent Ferrara USA also didn’t respond to an email seeking comment.
Price increases are going to come in one form or another, says Erin Lash, director of consumer equity research at Morningstar. “Either you’re paying the same and getting less, or paying more and getting the same.”
Some changes may not even be visible to consumers, says Erik Thoresen, a Lombard-based food consultant who analyzes transactions for private-equity buyers. A producer of frozen meals could reduce the protein and boost the carbohydrates, keeping the net weight the same, he points out.
How much do consumers care about shrinkflation or “skimpflation,” when brands reduce quality? A June survey of 252 consumers by Gartner Group found that 62% would stop buying from brands that change product size or quality.
However, experts agree that shoppers often say one thing in a survey and behave quite differently. It’s hard to change behavior, especially for products that have been purchased for decades.
Consumers will be more amenable to a price increase if it’s accompanied by an innovation such as a resealable bag or smaller portion size, Lash says. She notes that buyers of laundry products, particularly college students, embraced Procter & Gamble’s Tide pods that were more expensive than liquid detergent but more convenient than lugging a jug of detergent to a laundromat.
Consumers are irritated by smaller packages, but they are more annoyed by a price increase, says Chernev at Northwestern. They look at cereal boxes, peanut butter jars and orange juice containers as units rather than measurable containers such as a gallon of milk.
“I’m buying a jar of peanut butter. How big is the jar? I don’t know. I’ll eat whatever is in the jar,” he says. People can note the ounces on the jar, but they have nothing to compare it too unless they’ve been tracking product sizes for their own interest.
Shrinking a package size tends to take a toll on lower-income families because studies have shown that they are high users of packaged and boxed food products, Thoresen says. Some products could be priced out of affordability if they weren’t downsized, he adds.
On the other hand, the smaller package size doesn’t always make a material difference. A bowl of cereal with milk costs about $1, Lash points out. That’s much less expensive than grabbing a breakfast sandwich or muffin at a drive-thru.
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