Whitehorse Daily Star: ‘We always put the interests of Yukoners first’

2022-09-16 20:32:12 By : Mr. SALES DEPARTMENT

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MIXED EMOTIONS – Premier Sandy Silver speaks at this morning’s hastily-called news conference. He announced he is stepping down as premier, and displayed a number of emotions during his remarks, including sadness and joy.

AN EMOTIONAL MOMENT – Energy, Mines and Resources Minister John Streicker wipes away a tear after the press conference this morning at which Premier Sandy Silver discussed his departure plans.

Premier Sandy Silver has announced his intention to resign as premier after six years of leading the territory.

By Chuck Tobin on September 9, 2022

Premier Sandy Silver has announced his intention to resign as premier after six years of leading the territory.

Silver told a morning news conference he will be staying on as premier until the Yukon Liberal Party chooses a successor, but he will not be seeking re-election to a fourth term in office in 2025, the formal timing of the next election.

The 52-year-old native of Nova Scotia said he will continue to serve the Klondike riding until the election.

(An election could take place sooner than 2025 if the NDP withdraws its support of the minority government in the legislature. The two parties’ agreement is scheduled to end in January 2023, but could be extended.)

Before making his announcment public, the premier met with his caucus to announce his intention.

“Representing the good people of Dawson City has been a most humbling experience and absolutely the best job of my life,” he said.

As Silver read out his announcment, Liberal MLAs stood in the wings to listen, as did several members of the political team, including Community Services Minister Richard Mostyn, who also teared up.

It’s always emotional to be around when people come to the end of their path, said Energy, Mines and Resources Minister John Streicker as Mostyn passed him a kleenex to wipe away his tears.

Silver, a former school teacher, said the job is the toughest he’s had, but it has also been tremendously fulfilling.

The premier choked up with tears a couple of times, particularly when describing what his party has achieved, and how a dedicated team of MLAs has contributed so much.

He rattled off a long list of what he described as significant achievements by the Liberal government and the Liberal party as a whole, such as signing off on the recommended Peel Watershed land use plan in 2019. It was the same year Victoria Gold received its water licence for the Eagle Gold Project.

The Silver government developed the first response in the country to the national inquiry into the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirited People, the premier noted.

He said his government introduced the First Nations procurement plan to ensure First Nations benefited from the territory’s economic growth.

In partnership with First Nations, they created the Yukon First Nation School Board to ensure First Nations could meaningfully shape the education of the territory’s children, he pointed out.

They passed amendments to the Child and Family Services Act that were co-developed in partnership with the First Nations, he added. When he took over as premier from successive Yukon Party governments in late 2016, he noted, there were two mental health workers responsible for serving the territory. Today, there are 20, he pointed out.

The premier noted several other significant achievements by his government and team of MLAs.

“I am so proud of my team because we have always put the interests of Yukoners first, and we have moved the territory forward,” Silver said.

“The Yukon is currently leading the country in both population and economic growth. This brings with it opportunities and challenges. In particular, we need to continue to work with our partners to increase housing options, improve our health care system and expand access to mental health supports throughout the territory.

“Nevertheless, the territory is in a much stronger place than when we formed government in 2016 and I believe it continues to move in the right direction.

“I also believe fresh energy and bold ideas are needed to continue to move forward.”

The Liberal Party said this morning it will take time to go through the steps of selecting a new party leader. A leadership convention will take a few months to organize (see related story, this page).

Silver said as he continues to serve over the next three years, he will have time to spend at home with his family, which he hasn’t been able to do during his tenure 
as premier.

He’ll be able to have casual conversations with his constituents, but he didn’t say whether he’d be ringing the bell for drinks at local establishments.

Friends of his have a new baby, but Silver said he hasn’t had the chance to play with the infant. Now he will.

“To my colleagues, the dedicated Liberal MLAs and ministers who have served with me, my respect for your sacrifice and dedication grows each and every day,” Silver said.

“You took a chance on my leadership, you left good careers and gave up weekends and holidays, and your families have given great sacrifices to the cause.

“I thank you all, and I honour your enduring commitment to improve the lives of Yukoners and to move the territory forward at a more prosperous place.”

Silver’s decision doesn’t come as a shock to political observers. In May of this year, the Yukon Party publicly speculated the premier was privately making exit plans from politics.

Many watchers expect cabinet ministers Ranj Pillai, Richard Mostyn and possibly Jeanie McLean to consider leadership bids.

Nathan, they may as well merge as they’re the same thing anyways. They could change their name to the NDL party. New Dumb & Lost party.

I think the NDP should merge with the Liberals and Kate White run for the leadership.

@Cor, one thing Ranj has as well is a few skeletons in his closet. Just have to look at a few of the sweet heart deals he has orchestrated. How about the multi millions of funding that he signed off on for Yukonstruct. The expensive renovation, multi year leased backed by YG to his former employer NVD and core funding with gifted contracts. Let’s face it, this Liberal government has plenty of crappy deals they have signed off on. Patting themselves on the back for their accomplishments and praising their ministers is quite typical of them. How about the fact that NWT negotiated for all their citizens that heating fuel is carbon tax exempt. Not so in the Yukon. Sandy and Ranj will pat themselves on the back while most Yukoners will be feeling the results of their inaction throughout the winter every time they receive a fresh tank of oil.

The minority continue to rule this country. We need to move the government out.

Ranj is the clear choice for the LPC. He’s articulate, he’s got the experience and the chops.

"Many watchers expect cabinet ministers Ranj Pillai, Richard Mostyn and possibly Jeanie McLean to consider leadership bids." Lord help us!! Please call an election and end this fiasco.

@ Sandy - Don't forget on your way out to take Tracy with.

Funny that all the mouth breathing YP folks shrieking for Sandy to resign are now shrieking that he has resigned. The conservative platform at the territorial and federal amounts to this: whatever the Libs say, do the opposite. And that friends is why the conservatives won’t form government at any level, any time soon. Political dinosaurs.

Bye Sandy. I liked you a lot when you were playing guitar with Amy at the pit many years ago. Your politics & party, not so much.

@ Lynx, My comment was merely laughing at Liberal ineptitude. Your defense of them is kind of cute though. Yes, many long time Yukoners moved away as the cost of living and lack of housing forced them to do so. Government jobs aren't "good jobs", many of them are a waste of resources. The private sector (well what's left of it I guess) is screaming for people but there's no where for them to live. I abhor government handouts, they don't fix anything and the NDP are a joke (I've never voted NDP and never will). Your assumptions of me are completely wrong but I'm not here to talk about myself thanks.

No gaslighting needed here Doug. We can all read. Pretending criticism of your old balls bullshirt is an attack on free speech is disingenuous and also patently false. Basically, only cretons would believe it. Be better, you're not always the victim. People who don't lap up your regurgitated faux news aren't your enemy. They just don't agree with you.

Ha ha ha, the currie clickers have been busy on this story. As if 100 people would agree with anything GN, JJ or BJ ever said on anything,.

@bonanzajoe I support your comment about " a referendum on that pension thing." I will go further and suggest the electorate should get to approve the wages and benefits for all elected officials. Letting them do it themselves does not inspire them to do better for us. Oh, and the ability to fire the b**tards when they are caught doing bad things- we need that too.

For those who think an open discussion on the conditions we have been forced to endure the last several years, is "whiny" or "cranky", what you appear to prefer is silence as opposed to free and open discourse. Coincidentally, I strongly suspect, some politicians and ministers would also prefer we all "close our traps" and let the UN agenda proceed as per their master's wishes. There are precious few platforms left where people are still allowed to speak their minds freely in this formerly free country and shaming people into silence on these will hopefully be seen for the attempt at censorship which it is. Would it be "nicer" if everyone was super positive about losing precious moments with liked and loved ones as they lay dying on lonely hospital beds, or having children being taught absurd biological fallacies in school? Should we speak in more uplifting terms about having our businesses and freedoms and in some cases, our friends and families obliterated due to absurd over-reactions to what has been proven to be a non-epidemic? If you refuse the people a platform to speak, you only succeed in forcing them to speak through other means. Mass civil disobedience and protests are already breaking out in other countries. You cannot put this back in the box by covering your own ears.

To: Lest we forget: Thank you for your kind post. Mostly I am a lone poster on this issue. Terry did not want to die. He wanted to live.

@Do better… on Sep 10, 2022: Come on dude, that racist accusation ship has sailed.

@TMYK on Sep 9, 2022 at 8:19 pm: That's where a lot of the former Premiers go. Besides, he probably found out Dawsonites were not going to vote for him again. Getting out with dignity.

@drum on Sep 9, 2022: I think we the citizens should have a referendum on that pension thing. To put a stop to it. These politicians aren't even union.

@Voice of reason on Sep 9: Why? Are we guilty of hate crimes or disinformation? Or is it just "you can't handle the truth"?

@Patti Eyre on Sep 9, 2022: Pray for this - that non FN tax payers will get reconciliation for all the positive things they did for FN.

@BnR: "Silver didn’t have to get into politics, he had a great career as a teacher." Yeah, but it pays more and the power is awesome. And look at the perks he gets in the future.

When you Peel way the Yukon Party posturing, the Liberals have a good record putting Yukoners first.

Re: Terry Coventry. It’s good that someone provides a regular reminder. There is ample funding to overbureacratize health care and hire more and more 9-5 GPs to remove warts, do Pap smears and provide referrals to specialists elsewhere. We were personal acquaintances of a man who offered to purchase a dialysis machine decades ago for the Whitehorse general hospital & his offer was REJECTED. The Yukon strategically palms the expense of chronic kidney patients off on other jurisdictions by forcing them to move to available treatments or stay here and die. Terry is not the only one.

To Minister Pallia of Department of Economic Development why is our private sector performing so weakly? Call Allen MacMaster minister in Nova Scotia who from your area in Nova Scotia and ask how he turned a liberal deficit of over $500 million a surplus for the people of NS into a surplus $320 million

Wow. The same 5 cranky and whiney old people saying the same cranky old people garble. Cool. Looks Ike this circle jerk of fear, rage and venting is doing well for your mental health. When I get old I'm going to travel with friends and family. Spending my time on Yukon fox Jr isn't even on the radar of things I would be doing with my rapidly limited time left. Also more charity work. Like that "good book" says to do, unto, others. Never change scared and angry small town anonymous posters. Never change!

So SS...suppose when this is all over you are gonna take off that politicians uniform, blend in with the “others” in your civilian life? Yeah...just what I thought.

@Fringe Minority ha ha most people struggled? Nah, you might have personally, but most people have been working good jobs. If you don't like your situation, then go and get a trade or education so you can move up. Most businesses are crying for workers and offering record wages. The stats don't lie. When it comes to housing, if you can't afford the big house and toys, then buy a smaller place like a trailer first and then move up that way. If you want the government to just give you everything on a platter, perhaps you should vote for the NDP, or maybe you already do I suppose. @Olav You must be joking. There has been more infrastructure built under this government than any before and that's a fact. How can you not have seen all the road work, bridge work, water/sewer work, schools, you name it. You are literally trying to tell people black is white and up is down. Even when it comes to housing units, they put out way way more than the last government. As for healthcare and education, I would say yeah things have gotten a bit worse, but it has also gotten worse across north america, so this isn't something the Yukon Government did. It is worse literally everywhere in the country due to a shortage of teachers, doctors, nurses and other professionals. Ask yourself why the Ontario health care system for example is on the brink of collapse.

Well the anti-vaxxers and convoy folks sure seem to be celebrating both on this comment section and all over social media. Hate to break it to you guys though, your savior Currie Dixon doesn't get a chance to become Premier just yet.

Juniper, you've brought this up several times: Hi.. thanks for your reply. And, yes, I take your point. Things have changed, and perhaps Terry's death helped to make those changes happen. I mention Terry because his situation hit the news. I mention, I'll call him Frank, occasionally. This government refused Franks cancer drugs and he had to move. The drug manufacturers covered his bill for awhile, until he could decide what to do. He would have been covered immediately for a sex change, but, he just wanted to live. I don't mention, i'll call her Holly, or Jeanie, one died, one left. I'd let it go now if Terry had been the only one. But, he isn't. And policies that end in death, for someone that wanted to live.. just have to be stopped. Voice of Reason: The regular posters here are the only watch dogs this government has. There is no oversight committees. If it were not for these posters you mention, no one would be public about this government at all. Do I agree with them? Not always, but there is a thumbs down for that. For the most part, I am glad that people take the time to comment. Even you. Though, I prefer folks to comment about the topic rather than attack others opinions, I guess I can't promote free speech and say.. this or that person can't make an opinion. I choose to make public statements. I can take the heat, but I am not going to leave the kitchen. Don't hold your breath on these community posters leaving the forum unless you look really cute in blue. Patti: Yes. You are absolutely right. There is no reservation land in the Yukon. Traditional Territory is a joint agreement between FNs, (all except Ross River) and Government. Everyone in the Yukon pays income tax. In Provinces where there is Reservation land, FN who work and do business on that land, do not pay taxes. They must declare income on a Box 71, but it is not taxable income. If a FN person chooses to work outside of a reservation/treaty land, they will pay income taxes.

Goodbye. I'll never forget, or forgive you for what you and your party have done in recent times. Might as well jump ship and distance yourself from the government that has successfully turned most Canadians against it. No Silver love from me.

Call an election. That is what an ethical and transparent party would do. The Liberal Party of the Yukon and its so-called executive 'leadership' should demand it, as should the opposition parties and the rest of Yukoners.

The Grits need to be put out to pasture for a bit if for nothing else than to keep the NDP away from the reins of power under this not a coalition but sort of a coalition. The NDP has nearly always proven the saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. As for Silver well it was a rather middling tenure so can’t say I care much for his personal departure one way or the other. Will the YP offer a change, leadership and most importantly build a more prosperous Yukon? Maybe, likely not but the status quo is in need of a shake up. Nothing ventured,nothing gained.

Not a good sign when the leader jumps ship before any others. I expect Justin to do the same.

Terry's death was very sad. Since then, though, there have been improvements made to the home-dialysis program, which Terry wasn't eligible for. In 2020, when the changes were announced, it would have cost $2.5-3 million for a hospital unit. I would hate to be the one making decisions on how to spend health care $$, but for approximately 5 people (at the time), the $$ were allocated elsewhere. A terrible situation, but there's never enough health care $$ to do everything for everyone.

I reckon he is tired just being the lap dog for Kate...he never was Premier as Kate was so she actually is deserving of all the failures as well.

Two words, “Good Riddance.” Just another east coast import who came here and through nothing but blind luck defaulted into the Liberal party leaders job and ended up inflicting his views of what the territory should be like on us. No doubt he’ll eventually end up back in NS again leaving his trail of damage behind him up here. Thanks for nothing Sandy, I honestly and truly wish your government had never happened. Hopefully the carnage can be rectified after you are long gone.

Interests of Yukoners first?? And here, I thought I was a Yukoner when i needed dire urgent help that was then deemed medical from my abscess teeth that were literally killing me . I wrote to all of them Members of legislative assembly of Yukon .. including him.. Did anyine rushed at all to help me? A big NO is the answer. I ended up having to drive down To edmonton with my 5 years old son after begging for help for 6 months here. We mostly lived in our van the whole 2 months we had to be down there . And gladly, I managed to get my teeth removed.. in time enough not to die. I gained 50 pounds of water retention in about a month (because this is what happens when one gets poisoned by their abscess teeth.. inflammation sets in the body). No one actually did "Put my interests (as a Yukoner of 24 years) first.. What happened there ?? I felt like I was laughed at by the entire governmnet there. "We are sorry, our hands are tied" was the most popular answer I got.. "Sorry, the legislation does not help your issue" Meanwhile, left in a stressful situation, worried about what might happen to my son if the worse was to happen. A real joke, period.. "Yukoners best interest".. yeah right.

LMAO! You did nothing but add to division, improperly manage everything your government touched and cater to select groups while most Yukoners struggled. But yeah, give yourself that pat on the back.

All truths....if you trade the word Yukoner's with ourselves. Self serving mouth piece.

Does anyone else think it's suspicious that many political leaders are resigning? What are they hiding?

@bonanzajoe… First Nation are taxpayers too. When you feel a need to differentiate between “First Nations” and “tax payers”, you kind of let your bigotry shine through. Please work on that. I suggest not being racist as a good start.

Who well replace Sandy as captain of liberal party? Ranj Pallia be high on that list or he will leave and go back to old job at visions. Will an aboriginal person like maybe Chief like Peter Johnston. Or will be someone new altogether? Election will be next spring.

We all know about the story of rats and sinking ships. Dark years of hardship ahead of us. Silver's legacy is one of useless scamdemic restrictions that drove many people into despair and bankrupcies, coercion of the risky and ineffective experimental covid jabs, and disastrous inflation resulting from the restrictions' disruption of the chain of supply of goods and services. The poor and the working class are the ones hardest hit, and you, SSilver, only aggravated the situation by refusing to hear what the dissenting experts were saying. Wilful blindness will not excuse you.

Like the George Black ferry in Dawson City - both are sinking ships. Both need replacing. As a 60+ year resident of THE Yukon, I have never seen our infrastructure in such a poor state. From roads to ferries - health care to housing. He has increased the size of government beyond what is fiscally manageable. More persons in more departments - doing less. More policies, but less action or enforcement. We need a party that will re-build our infrastructure -

These guys covered up abuse at Hidden Valley now they want to pretend like they're heroes. The only tears us parents are crying are tears of joy. I hope every single Cabinet Minister gets asked why they helped cover this up during the next election.

Say what you want vindictive naysayers....they weren't shady as the Yukon Party. They f'd up by letting the NDP eff up the housing market. I guess they had to make a super bad deal with NDP or face having a minority conservative government. So sick of the Conservative party but bet that's where we're headed. Maybe is Streiker runs he can keep the cons out.

Silver has already sold his place in Dawson and spends most of his time in Vancouver.

He must have seen the writing on the wall and decided to swim to shore rather than stay with the sinking ship.

He served his 6 years - now he has his full pension.

I pray that some of you (bonanza, groucho, juniper et al) will retire from the comments too.

@bonanza FNs are tax payers, grow a brain! I shall pray for that!

Ya got your inflation adjusted pension so it's time to hit the road eh? Good choice.

I want to publicly thank Mr Streiker for crying real tears and yes they were very real, I saw them, at my departure from public office. Very touching and heartwarming to know that a potential candidate for the premiership has no thoughts of his own personal political gain at this important and very sad moment in the Yukon's history. Thank you John.

The only “Yukoners” he put first are imported bureaucrats and the left over dinosaurs he didn’t cleanse once in power. Yukoners who work hard for the Yukon weren’t served by Silver and his gang. This has created a house on fire. Health, housing, education …what a mess.

One thing Sandy and the libs didn’t do was titter back and forth on WhatsApp like children, comparing, uh, members….. And for that I’ll be forever thankful

LOL! Well answer your emails then...! I wonder what his legacy will be!? Of course only counting his terms of course. 1) Drug overdose capital of Canada!? 2) Unaffordable housing!? 3) Tragedy at Hidden Valley? 4) Compliance to twisted, unethical, divisive Covid policies!? Plus much more ! Feel free to add to the list folks hah

Classy comments from the usual suspects And we wonder why the calibre of our politicians keeps falling. Why would anyone want to subject themselves to this BS? There’s lot Silver did I disagree with and lots I didn’t agree with like every other politician. Nobodies perfect. I’m always suspect of the ones who view a political career as the best jobs they will ever have. Silver didn’t have to get into politics, he had a great career as a teacher. Was he perfect? Absolutely not. But I thank him for putting himself out there to work for us. As far as this goes, if you can’t say anything nice, just keep your trap shut for once.

"the territory is in a much stronger place than when we formed government in 2016 and I believe it continues to move in the right direction" If this is his belief he may as well step down because he simply has no pulse on today's Yukon nor does he understand how The Yukon has changed for the worse.

Can’t wait for the election to happen so we can elect Kate White as our premier! Go Kate!

Ummm…poor timing! Are we not in the official mourning period following the death of our queen? Pretty sure it is government protocol to refrain from ALL non-emergency government announcements/releases during this time? And to steal the headline on the front page from an actual leader who deserved that spot? Liberal communications blunder…yet again.

A hastily called news conference to announce something that is not going to be happening more than three years from now? The federal libtards told us we couldn’t have Larry a week before the nomination. No three years’ notice required there.

I've spent quite a lot of years in the Yukon now, and the long, long, years these folks were in power were without doubt, the most frustrating, absurd and joy-killing of them all. All the best in your new endeavors but what an epic fail... Oh and I'll pass on the tissue but thanks anyway.

I heard through the grape vine, Justin Trudeau will be looking for a job soon. Oh heck, he's got a half billion dollars saved up. I'm sure he wouldn't be interested in funning for YLP leadership. But after only 5 years as Premier and retiring, Sandy must have hit a bonanza somehow.

Silver has given himself quite a pat on the back. I don’t think you ever put all Yukoners first. Oh..I’m the wrong person to comment. We’ll ask Terry Coventry .nevermind, he’s dead because your government..you..the leader, the buck stops with you refused to buy the $40,000 machine that would save his life. 10 million for a running track was good though. You stayed too long. Don’t let the door..etc. etc.

@“I am so proud of my team because we have always put the interests of Yukoners first," He did a lot for the FN, but what did he do for the taxpayers? Did I miss something?

‘We always put the interests of Yukoners first’ Read the official release where some of these achievments have been identified, then decide who was at the front of the line. https://yukon.ca/en/news/statement-premier-silver-his-future

He knows he's going to lose the next election so time to pack it in...

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