Consumer interest in health and wellness has reached an all-time high in recent years, with the idea of mental and physical wellness having a stronger influence on the way people live their lives than ever before — and experts say stress is to blame. In fact, Elsevier says that stress is the health epidemic of this century. However, many are beginning to self-advocate and search for ways to combat those all-too-common feelings by looking at their surroundings and changing things, starting with their homes. Such instances include preparing home-cooked meals, getting rid of clutter, and washing the bedding more often.
Furthermore, with more brands capitalizing on the opportunity to provide consumers with products to assist them in helping themselves with wellness, many beauty gurus are now advocating for an often overlooked step in the self-care process to be included in every beauty routine. This includes sleeping on a silk pillowcase, which experts say can help keep your skin and hair hydrated and silky-smooth, Consumer Reports notes. But once you have those delicate pillowcases, how do you wash them? Keep reading to find out.
While traditional cotton pillowcases are relatively durable, true silk is a delicate textile, and therefore, you should treat your pillowcases made of this material as more of an investment. Because of the nature of the fabric, you should carefully follow proper care and washing instructions to maintain the life of your pillowcase and ensure you can reap the beauty benefits it provides for as long as possible.
While it's safe to wash your silk pillowcase both by hand and with the right settings on a washing machine, Mulberry Park Silks says hand washing is the ideal method, as it's the only way to really ensure the silk is being treated with the proper care. According to Real Simple, you should fill a clean sink or container with cold water and add a mild detergent or soap formulated for this fabric. Next, turn your pillowcase inside out and fully submerge it in the cold water. They also add that you should never scrub or wring the material during the washing process and instead gently agitate the pillowcase with your hands to get it clean and work the soap in.
Parachute Home adds that you can drain the sink and repeat the process three to four times to ensure your fabric is clean, and then rinse it one more time with cold water, making sure you get all the soap off.
According to Insider, you should wash your silk pillowcase weekly to prevent oil and bacteria buildup that can cancel out the benefits of sleeping on it altogether. And while it's entirely possible to clean your silk pillowcase in the washing machine, this method warrants extra care so as not to damage the fabric in any way.
Mulberry Parks Silks insists you should always wash your silk pillowcase on the coldest and gentlest setting possible to avoid damage. Also, ensure you always place your pillowcase inside a mesh laundry bag prior to tossing it into the machine, making sure to avoid bleach and fabric softener as they can stain the material. Ecosa adds that because traditional soaps and detergents contain harsh chemicals that can actually harden the silk, a mild detergent with a low pH is much safer to use — though there are also options on the market specifically designed for silk.
Real Simple says that once you have washed and rinsed your pillowcase, you can let it air dry by laying it out on a dry, white towel and gently rolling the towel with the silk to eliminate any excess moisture. Mulberry Parks Silks says you can also use a machine dryer but adds that you should only run it with the air setting and be careful not to leave it in the appliance for too long.