The new rolls in the multipacks will have the same number of sheets as before but require less space.
British supermarket chain Tesco has launched a 12-pack of ‘double roll’ toilet paper in a move expected to save 46t of plastic a year.
The pack replaces the retailer’s 24-roll own-brand pack of toilet paper, which is considerably larger due to the rolls being wound differently.
The new winding method has allowed Tesco to wind the same number of sheets more tightly onto the cardboard tubes while requiring less plastic to pack them.
This month, Tesco will use this method to downsize the rolls in its four and nine-roll packs. The retailer expects this to save 14t of plastic a year.
In total, the new fitting technique will allow Tesco to save 67t of plastic packaging a year.
It will also reduce carbon emissions as the retailer will require 17 fewer lorries each week to transport rolls.
The company plans to further reduce its roll and pack sizes next year.
Tesco paper buying manager Katie Frost said: “As well as removing unnecessary plastic, reducing the size of multipacks will free up valuable space in our lorries that can be put to great use this Christmas.
“We are looking at a number of ways to use less packaging as a part of our 4Rs packaging strategy.
“In the last few years, we have cut 6,000t of packaging from products, including a billion pieces of plastic.”
In May, Tesco decided to remove plastic rings and shrink wraps from all beer and cider products across its stores.
This move was anticipated to save 50 million pieces of unrecycled plastic from production a year.
In September, the retailer partnered with global reusable packaging platform Loop to launch a range of refillable products in its stores.
Around 88 food, drink, household and beauty products have been made available in reusable and durable packaging at ten large Tesco stores in the east of England.
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