This guide will tell you how to complete Chapter 6: Environmental Hazard of the Dead Space Remake. The walkthrough also includes the available side mission objectives!
This guide is for the Dead Space Remake, released in 2023! Electric Connectors

Author’s Note: Screenshots used in this guide were taken in a New Game Plus. I’ll have access to upgrades that a fresh game save would not have access to. The text is constructed to aid and help a new player.
List of Power Node locations in Chapter 6: Power Node Location Guide.
List of Semiconductor locations in Chapter 6: Semiconductor Location Guide.
After the Hunter fiasco on the Medical Deck, you’ll need to make your way to Hydroponics. Unfortunately the Tram System there is locked down so you’ll need to find another way. To get to Hydroponics, you’ll need to take the Tram Shuttle to the Flight Deck.
If you follow your Locator, you’ll be directed to the Tram Repair Room. There’s a door here that will take you to Hydroponics. You’ll be at the Hydroponics Tram Station so use the console there to override the lock to create access here with the Trams.
After you override the lockdown here, proceed into Hydroponics and go up the elevator. You’ll see fresh, green produce in self contained greenhouses here! It’s refreshing to see some life in a ship full of death. Keep walking forward and you’ll encounter a repeating hologram of one of the Hydroponics’ staff, Dr. Elizabeth Cross.
The next room will contain a store, save station, and a control panel. Use the control panel to insert the Liquid Nitrogen you got from Medical to create the Enzyme. Pick up the Enzyme after it’s made and go through the circular door towards Food Storage.
The door to Food Storage will become locked as you walk forward and you’ll receive a call from Dr. Cross. After your conversation, you’ll learn that you’ll need to weaken whatever mass is in Food Storage. You can do this by injecting the Enzyme into a necromorph variant called “Wheezers”. Now your goal is to find and inject 8 Wheezers throughout the Hydroponics Deck.
Follow your Locator and you’ll find a room with tanks of water to your right. Don’t step in here just yet and watch the patterns of when the valves activate. When the valves activate, they’ll shoot out a jet of hot water that will damage you if you touch it. Make your way through these jets while they’re inactive to reach a cargo lift on the other side of the room.
When you get to the West Tower, a bunch of necromorphs will come out of the vents. There’s a lot of cover here so it can be easy to get caught off guard, be super attentive of your surroundings for this fight. Defeat them and continue following your Locator.
The first room your locator directs you to will be poisoned and you’ll have limited air. Fortunately the room is small so you won’t have to deal with this too long. Find the Wheezer and inject the Enzyme into it.
Step back outside and look for West Seedling Room A on this level. This room has a Level 2 Clearance requirement. Go inside and you’ll find the last weapon, the Force Gun! This fun gun uses raw kinetic energy to rend the flesh off necromorphs and can create a small singularity to pull in enemies and objects at a point.
After getting the Force Gun, go back to outside and use the elevator. Your next objective will be on the 3rd floor.
At the very top you’ll be going to Dr. Cross’ office where you’ll find the 2nd Wheezer. Second verse same as the first, now inject them with the Enzyme so you can put them in a hearse.
Go back to the elevator and go to the 2nd floor. There will be a circuit breaker you can use here to redirect power from Jungle Ambience to the doors. This will make the tower seem less lively but it’s best to have all doors accessible.
Walk through the door near the circuit breaker to go to the Refrigeration Tower. On your way there, you’ll be in a long hallway. At the end there are two air vents that a new necromorph variant will pop out of, these are Exploders!
These necromorphs are very easy to deal with as you just need to shoot their arm covered in glowering pustules. Doing so will cause them to explode while damaging any nearby necromorphs. If they get to close though, one swing from those arms will severely damage you if not outright end you.
After defeating the necromorphs, you’ll find yourself in the Refrigeration Tower. This tower will use Zero-G mechanics so take off and start flying upwards. You can find shutters that can be opened with Kinesis, move these to keep going upwards. Lurkers will pop out when you do open up so keep track of where they go and defeat them.
When you reach the top you’ll find a Guardian and Pods in the hazy green room. Defeat the Pods and Guardian to safely access the third Wheezer. Inject the Enzyme and return to the bottom of the Refrigeration Tower.
Get back to the West Tower and walk to the door on the opposite side from you past the elevator. This will take you to Hydroponics Control which will be filled with Toxic Gas. You’re going to find several corpses laying about, do yourself a favor and dismember them. You can find the 4th Wheezer in the corner of the room.
A Slasher and an Infector will come out of the vents after you inject the Wheezer, defeat them and look for the source of the tendril blocking your path. Shoot the glowing cluster to destroy the tendril and make your way to the East Tower.
When you reach the East Tower, go down the elevator to the 1st floor. The room will now become a quarantine zone and you’ll need to defeat a Brute to remove the lockdown. As always, use Stasis on it and shoot the glowing pustules behind it. Don’t forget to pick up the Power Node it drops!
Follow your Locator to East Seedling Room A to find the 5th Wheezer. Inject it and go back into the East Tower.
Go back out into the East Tower and look for a battery inside one of the growth chambers. Use Kinesis to insert it into a slot to power the circuit breaker.
Unfortunately you’ll not be able to use this yet without the Deck Systems Keycard. It’s actually in the room behind you when you face the circuit breaker, East Seedling Room B. In here you’ll find the Keycard, a Bench, and a Wheezer you won’t be able to get to (yet).
Grab the keycard and activate the circuit breaker, turn off gravity and begin flying upwards.
In the very top corner of the tower is Wheezer #6. Inject it with the Enzyme. You only have two more Wheezers to go!
Fly down to the 2nd floor and go through the door that leads to the Air Filtration Tower. You’ll be greeted with a fleshy hallway and when you make it to the end, you’ll get grabbed by a Tentacle. Destroy it and go back to the Filtration Tower.
Similar to the Refrigeration Tower, you’ll need to use Zero-G flight controls to fly upwards into the tower. You’ll find these electrical turbines posing as a hazard, use Stasis on them to get past safely. When you reach the top you can turn these turbines off with a console.
Go through the door at the top of the Air Filtration Tower to reach the Air Filtration Tubes. Take the cargo lift down and break the Fuse Box but don’t go through the door just yet.
The following tubes are incredibly dangerous as they’ll occasionally fill with fire. Wait for the fire to go out and shoot the Fuse Box to the doors inside. If you see the shutters close, then fire is about to pass through. Get past these tubes when the fire is out and use the cargo lift on the other side.
Enter the Air Filtration Hall to find Wheezer #7. Inject the Enzyme and walk out of the hall.
You only have one more Wheezer to go. Follow your Locator and you’ll find yourself returning to East Seedling Room B but on the other side. Inject the last Wheezer and shoot the glowing cluster to clear the path open.
Make your way up the 2nd floor and go back to the West Tower then back to Food Storage. Be sure to stock up on any supplies at the Store Kiosk before going into Food Storage. Dr. Cross will unlock the doors and you’ll need to activate the console in an attempt to eject the Leviathan out into space.
As always, something goes wrong so you’ll need to go into Food Storage yourself and fight it. I will be providing a brief summary on how to fight the Leviathan but if you would like an in-depth look, check out our How to defeat the Leviathan in Dead Space Remake guide!
The Leviathan will attack you by launching one of its three tentacles at you. Dodge these and shoot the clusters that pop out to sever the tentacles. When all three tentacles are severed, the Leviathan will roar and start firing explosive clusters at you.
Whenever the Leviathan open its maw, fire at the clusters inside of it to damage it. Doing this enough times will initiate the final phase of the battle where it releases toxic gas into the room. On top of that, it will grow three more tentacles.
Since you’re strapped for time, ignore the tentacles and just focus on shooting the clusters within. When defeated, you’ll be able to return to the Food Storage Hall and exit Hydroponics.
You’ll learn that Dr. Cross’s partner, Jacob Temple, was working on creating an S.O.S. Beacon to signal for help. Your next task is to make your way to the Engineering Deck and launch this beacon. This concludes Chapter 6: Environmental Hazard.
In the East Tower’s 2nd floor, there will be numerous flesh tendrils in the area. These are actually hiding one of the RIGs needed for this side mission so you’ll need to go around and find all the clusters then destroy them.
When you successfully destroy all the clusters and their tendrils, the walkway on the 2nd floor will open up. Here you’ll find Holt’s RIG, pick it up and you’ll have completed what you can for now for this side mission.
Next, read up on how to go through Dead Space Remake Chapter 7. There are a number of side mission objectives available there and our walkthrough will show you how to do them all.
This is a step-by-step walkthrough summary of Chapter 6: Environmental Hazard of the Dead Space Remake. The walkthrough also includes the available optional objectives!
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