CROWDFUNDING NEWS – According to the Kickstarter campaign tagline, LastTissue is a reusable tissue pack that’s like if a Kleenex pack and a handkerchief had a baby. From what I’m seeing, that looks about right.
The paper and pulp industry is the third largest industrial emitter of global warming gasses. Every year around 8,000,000 trees are cut down to make facial tissues for the US alone.
Deforestation can lead to a direct loss of wildlife habitat. The removal of trees reduces available food, shelter, and breeding habitat. It also removes the miraculous effect the trees have of cleaning our carbon emissions to breathable oxygen – helping to prevent climate change.
I’m a tree hugger, I hate seeing trees cut down, and I’m equally concerned about climate changes. If there are small things that we can all do to make positive changes, I’m all for it. Going back to using reusable/washable handkerchiefs sounds like a relatively easy thing to do since you can just throw them in with your bath towels when you do the laundry.
They sent me an early sample of the LastTissue and I like the handy well-thought-out case design that you use to hold the clean and used tissues. The tissues themselves are made of 100% cotton with hemmed edges. Each pack has 6 tissues in it so that should be enough to get through a day for most people – unless you have a cold!
When you pull out the last tissue in the pack, there’s a small silicone square sewn into the corner. When folded correctly, this piece of silicone will separate the clean tissues from the dirty tissues.
When I had used all 6 tissues, I pulled them out of the pack and threw them in the washer and dryer with a load of bath towels along with the case itself. Everything washed fine except that the little silicone tab is now only hanging on to the tissue by one corner. I hope they fix this with the production packs.
The LastTissue campaign ends on 03/12/20 and they have already met their funding goal of $12,000. You can pre-order a LastTissue starter kit that includes 3 cases and 18 tissues for $39. After the LastTissue campaign ends, rewards are estimated to start shipping in June 2020. Visit their Kickstarter page for all the details.
I saw someone on Twitter making fun of this reinventing handkerchiefs, but the case actually makes a lot of sense to handle the problem of what to do with used ones. I may pledge…
Betty, I thought the exact same thing the first time I saw the campaign. 🙂
Could you do a more in depth review on this product please? Like how is the re-folding process like and what is the separation mechanism? Looking into this product but wondering how viable of an alternative it would be?
The tissues are relatively small, so it’s not hard to fold them small enough to go back in the pack. I’ve not washed and repacked yet though. As for separation, the 6th tissue is supposed to have a separator that keeps the clean tissues separated from the used ones.
Ohhh thanks for your reply! I was wondering if the 6th tissue would be attached to the seperator? Looking forward to a follow up review once you’ve completed a whole cycle if that’s something you have planned! 💚💚
They suggest you do not fold them but rather stuff them in which makes them easier to get out. Just make sure the top tissue has the silicone rectangle on top to separate the clean from dirty tissues. I’m thinking of removing the silicone from the tissue and placing it on top separately to form a better seal.
I guess I’m “old”. I’ve NEVER used tissue/kleenex type products. I have always used the tried and true handkerchief. But, I’m a guy and it’s real easy just to stuff one in the back pants pocket I guess 😉
Rusty and that’s great. What I do like about the LastTissue is that you get 6 tissues in a pack so you get more uses before you have to wash it/them.
With my bouts of hay fever over the last 60 years, I could go through a box of tissues in a day LOL Thankfully, a good allergist, and FOUR LONG years of allergy shots have knocked it down to a level that other than nasacort, it doesn’t bother me like it did. Going to the ER because it hit you hard enough you had to have an eppy shot isn’t a lot of fun 😉
I had a head cold or virus last week and was going through tissues with a quickness. I would have needed 5 or 6 LastTissue packs!
I updated my article to add a picture and info about washing them.
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