Milan/Porcari (LU), 8 September 2022 - Supporting over a thousand companies in the paper industry with adopting more sustainable business models, fostering technological innovation and initiating processes to reduce their environmental impact. This is the goal of the agreement signed by Enel X and Intesa Sanpaolo with Lucart , one of Europe's most important paper groups, known for its Tenderly, Grazie Natural and Tutto Pannocarta brands, among others, and a European leader in professional hygiene products.
The initiative calls for development of a project to enable companies distributing Lucart products to embrace the sustainability paradigm through three important actions: the installation of photovoltaic systems on the roofs of their warehouses; the electrification of their vehicle fleets for the shipment of goods; and the use of financing and financial services linked to specific sustainability goals.
" Today, in order to be truly sustainable, a company must consider the impacts of its products through the supply chain, involving its partners and sharing projects, knowledge
and expertise," commented Francesco Pasquini, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer of
Lucart . "This is why we are proud to collaborate with two true sustainability leaders such as Enel X and Intesa Sanpaolo in offering our customers effective solutions that can contribute to their competitiveness and sustainability over time."
" Through this agreement," commented Augusto Raggi , Head of Enel X Italy , " we confirm our role as an accelerator of sustainability, providing a significant boost to innovation and transformation of the Italian business community, of which Lucart is an outstanding example. Italian companies," added Raggi, "can make a fundamental contribution to our country's energy transition, and for this reason we have decided to support them and steer them towards more sustainable production models, putting all our expertise at their disposal."
" Intesa Sanpaolo, in line with its 2022-25 Business Plan, confirms its role as an accelerator of the NRRP initiatives by concretely supporting Italian companies towards ESG-oriented technological development and growth projects," explained Richard Zatta, Head of
Global Corporate of IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division of Intesa Sanpaolo. "The agreement will enable the many companies that distribute Lucart's excellent products to access services, products and initiatives that can promote plans to reduce polluting emissions and the gradual switch to electric cars in the company fleet. At the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, we are convinced that innovation and sustainable growth are drivers for improving the competitive position of the Italian economy and strong drivers of development of the national ecosystem ."
As part of the agreement, Lucart, as supply chain leader, will actively promote the project among its distributors, selecting those interested with full discretion and autonomy. The initiative has been presented to a panel of Lucart partner companies and as many as 66% of them stated their intention to participate in the project and benefit from the opportunities offered by the agreement with Enel X and Intesa Sanpaolo.
Enel X, as a technical enabler, will provide advice and a range of services to the identified companies to support them in their decarbonisation journey.
Intesa Sanpaolo will offer companies in the Lucart supply chain lines of credit as well as lease and rental services, with ad hoc solutions available to enable companies investing in cutting-edge and environmentally sustainable technologies to embark on the energy transition.
Intesa Sanpaolo is Italy's leading banking group - serving families, businesses and the real economy - with a significant international presence. Intesa Sanpaolo's distinctive business model makes it a European leader in Wealth Management, Protection & Advisory, highly focused on digital and fintech. An efficient and resilient Bank, it benefits from its wholly-owned product factories in asset management and insurance. The Group's strong ESG commitment includes providing €115 billion in impact lending by 2025 to communities and for the green transition, and €500 million in contributions to support people most in need, positioning Intesa Sanpaolo as a world leader in terms of social impact. Intesa Sanpaolo is committed to Net Zero by 2030 for its own emissions and by 2050 for its loan and investment portfolios. An engaged patron of Italian culture, Intesa Sanpaolo has created its own network of museums, the Gallerie d'Italia , to host the bank's artistic heritage and as a venue for prestigious cultural projects.
News: group.intesasanpaolo.com/en/newsroom/news
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/intesa-sanpaolo
Media Relations, Corporate & Investment Banking and Governance Areas stampa@intesasanpaolo.com https://group.intesasanpaolo.com/it/sala-stampa/news
Lucart, a leading European manufacturer of tissue products (paper articles for daily use such as toilet paper, kitchen paper, napkins, tablecloths, handkerchiefs, etc.), airlaid and machine-glazed paper, was founded in 1953 by the Pasquini family. The company's product is spread over three business units (Business to Business, Away from Home and Consumer), engaged in the development and sale of products with brands such as Tenderly, Tutto, Grazie Natural and Smile (Consumer area) and Lucart Professional, Fato, Tenderly Professional, and Velo (Away from Home area). Lucart's production capacity is over 395,000 tons/year of paper, on 12 paper machines. Its consolidated turnover is over 500 million euros and more than 1,600 people are employed at its 10 production plants (5 in Italy, 1 in France, 1 in
Hungary, 2 in Spain and 1 in the United Kingdom) and a logistics centre. It has participated in the United Nations Global Compact Network Italy since 2021.
LinkedIn: https://it.linkedin.com/company/lucart-group
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lucartgroup
Tommaso De Luca - tommaso.deluca@lucartgroup.com
Giulia Pasquini - giulia.pasquini@lucartgroup.com
BPRESS, via Carducci 17 - Milano Gabriele Ciullo
Giovanni Nardiello lucart@bpress.it
Enel X Global Retail is the Enel Group's global business line active in the areas of energy supply and efficiency. As a global leader in the development of innovative solutions to support the energy transition, Enel X Global Retail provides consumers, businesses and cities with a modular and integrated offer built around customer needs, promoting electrification and digitalization as drivers for creating new value. Enel X Global Retail manages demand response services, with 7.9 GW in total capacity, has installed more than 2.8 million lights for public lighting around the world, and offers energy services to 63 million residential customers every day as a Commodity. Enel X Global Retail's ecosystem of solutions includes assets for the optimization and self-production of energy, premium solutions for energy efficiency, and competitive and flexible energy offers, with the end goal of helping customers develop their own energy roadmaps.
News Media Italia T +39 06 8305 5699 ufficiostampa@enel.com gnm@enel.com enelx.com
Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. published this content on 08 September 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 08 September 2022 16:49:02 UTC.