There are some things in life that spark never-ending debate. Pineapple on pizza, for example, delicious or gross? Or the correct way to hang toilet paper. Is it over or under the roller? And right up there among the most polarizing dilemmas in the modern world is the issue of how to load your dishwasher. Yes, the ubiquitous dishwasher. It's a domestic necessity in many 21st century homes but can become a major source of irritation in some households. People have dogmatic views. And domestic bliss can be shattered if the day's designated dish loader does not perform their duties in what the dishwasher police consider the "right" way.
The dishwasher debate may seem like a modern dilemma, but the dishwasher itself dates back to 1850 when it was invented by American Joe Houghton whose wooden machine was hand operated. The modern dishwasher was developed by American socialite Josephine Cochran in 1886. Sick of her expensive china being damaged by hand washing, she designed the first automated dishwasher in her garden shed despite having no technical training.
Yes, there are a few definite no-no's when it comes to loading your dishwasher.
Here are some of the top tips on correct dishwasher loading.
Okay, we've got that sorted out. Now, about that pineapple pizza.