Crawford County restaurant inspections: August critical violations

2022-09-09 20:42:02 By : Mr. zhang jian

The following restaurant inspections with critical violations were conducted by Crawford County Public Health during August:

● Woody Ridge Golf Course, 6362 Ohio 598, Shelby, Aug. 3. Preventing contamination from hands — bare hand contact (critical, corrected during inspection). Improper bare-hand contact with ready-to-eat foods. Tissue paper, aluminum foil, tongs, etc. can be used instead of gloves.

● Cranberry Hills Golf Course, 5965 Ohio 103, New Washington, Aug. 24. Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous foods — hot dogs, meat loaf, cooked rice, cole slaw — not properly date marked (critical, corrected during inspection). Owner placed correct dates on products. Ensure foods are properly date marked and discarded within seven days.

● Walmart #2613, 1875 E. Mansfield St., Bucyrus, Aug. 25. Bulk water machine was not sampled semiannually for bacteria and/or results not on site (critical repeat). Per person in charge (PIC), sampling was done and she will attain the results. Correct by Aug. 29.

● Mi Cerrito, 216 N. Seltzer St., Crestline, Aug. 25. Using a handwashing sink — accessible at all times (critical, corrected during inspection). Handwashing station was being used as a prep table area. Handwashing station must be in place, accessible at all times and used for handwashing purposes only. Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous foods not properly date marked (critical, corrected during inspection). PIC placed correct dates on foods during inspection.

● Crawford County Justice Center, 3613 Stetzer Road, Bucyrus, Aug. 30. Packaged and unpackaged food — preventing contamination by separation, packaging and segregation (critical, corrected during inspection). Raw eggs observed above ready-to-eat foods in walk-in-cooler. Operator re-located eggs.

For full restaurant inspection details, visit