If you have a new baby in the family- Congratulations & Good Luck!
Congrats on the joy of new life and the promise of an amazing future and Good Luck finding baby formula given the nationwide shortage!
US baby-food shortages driven by everything from supply-chain chaos to product recalls are driving some Americans to try to make baby formula themselves. Nationwide, the average out-of-stock rate for baby formula was 43% the week ended May 8, up from 31% in early April and 11% at the end of November.
The latest map I found shows Washington State at 42% out-of-stock which has nudged the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) to release the following information.
The information the DOH presents is sourced from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,(DHHS) the Washington WIC program, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,(CDC), and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.(FDA)
If you are struggling to find infant formula and have concerns about your child’s nutrition, your first step is to check out the links and resources provided to get accurate information. If you still have concerns about your child’s health, contact your child’s primary care provider’s office and ask to speak with a nurse, medical assistant, or health educator on your child’s care team.
The DOH says that people needing connection to health care providers, call the Help Me Grow WA hotline at 1-800-322-2588 for referrals and to apply for food and health resources in Washington.
WIC participants and families should contact your local WIC clinic to get infant formula benefits replaced or change baby formulas. WIC has expanded the types of formula they provide to offer more choices for families participating in the program. They can often tell you which stores have formula in stock. If you can’t reach your local clinic, call the state WIC office at 1-800-841-1410 Monday to Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. Check the Washington WIC web page for more information on approved replacement infant formulas.
One thing that isn't recommended is to try your hand at making formula yourself. The Academy of Pediatrics cautions not to play home chemist because formula recipes might not have enough vital nutrients or could contain too much salt or other elements that could be harmful to your baby.
The DOH says parents should see its new nutritional guidance resources page for more information on what to do and actions to take that are safe for their child.