Apartment Therapy

2022-06-10 20:54:34 By : Ms. Monica J

Kitchn is a source of inspiration for a happier, healthier life in your kitchen.

In-unit laundry is a dream for most people, but one viral Twitter photo proves that not all private laundry machines are desirable — or even practical. Twitter user @poutinesmoothie recently shared a photo of what seems like a washing machine mounted to a wall with a toilet and all its plumbing directly underneath, asking the question on everyone else’s mind: “What fresh hell is this?”

It’s unclear exactly where the precarious setup is located, but it’s understandably making a splash on social media. “This is how a person dies. This is the photo that explains their death,” replied one user. Another joked: “High diving for those pesky socks that always disappear.”

Some saw the inherent genius, with one user calling it “an engineering masterpiece,” but others pointed out the obvious, calling it “a headache for anyone 6’1″ or taller.”

Plenty noticed how it might be considered a prized feature, particularly in listings for small spaces. One person joked: “About $2400 a month in Toronto,” while another wrote: “Stylish One Bedroom New York Studio Apartment. Closed Concept to allow for less distraction. Unique Layout. Washer included.” Yet another called it a “quirky 1 bed flat in London with separate laundry/utility room. £1500pcm.”

All jokes aside, it goes without saying that some features simply aren’t functional (or secure) enough ways to save space, and it seems like visiting the local laundromat would be a much safer method than perching your laundry machines directly above your toilet. Engineering innovations are great, but this one doesn’t seem like it will catch on anytime soon, and with good reason.

Arielle Tschinkel is a freelance pop culture and lifestyle writer whose work has appeared on Shape.com, WomansWorld.com, FirstforWomen.com, Insider, HelloGiggles, and more. She loves all things Disney and is making her way to every park around the world, and is a die-hard Britney Spears fan for life. She's also obsessed with her Bernedoodle, Bruce Wayne.