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Of the three R’s—reduce, reuse, and recycle—it’s the latter that we tend to focus on the most. While it’s equally (if not more) important to reduce our consumption and reuse items as much as possible, recycling the materials that are already here into something new is a crucial way to protect the environment.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 69 million tons of municipal solid waste were recycled in 2018—a 2.2 percent increase from 2015.
But even though recycling programs are becoming more accessible and more people are engaging in the recycling process, as evidenced by the data, there’s still more to be done. In fact, the EPA says we could save 544,000 trees if every household in the U.S. just replaced one roll of virgin fiber paper towels with recycled ones.
So, as it currently stands, we have to wonder: Is recycling actually working? When you recycle, are you doing it correctly? What can each of us do to recycle better? How can we do more? Keep reading for 85 meaningful ways to recycle!
The first “do” in how to recycle is actually a “don’t.” When it comes to food scraps and other organic, biodegradable items, skip the bins—recycling, trash, or otherwise—and choose to compost them instead. This way, these materials break down organically and turn into soil.
Yep—we know. It’s a super annoying step but it’s really crucial that you clean out recyclable items before throwing them in the bin. All you have to do is a simple rinse (unless it’s a very sticky residue; then you should whip out the soap and sponge).
If you’re recycling a plastic bag that is actually recyclable (more on that later), make sure to clean out the bag, too. You should remove any contents, including crumbs, and even give it a good rinse, too.
Yep—even water can disturb the recycling process once it’s going through the machines at the materials recovery facility (MRF).
As in, the grease is all over your pizza box. If there’s say, more than one or two spots of grease on that box, rip that tainted part of the box off. Recycle only the part of the box that’s untouched by grease.
Can it technically be recycled without being broken down first? Sure. But it makes things a heck of a lot easier for employees at the MRF if you do your part!
Yes, paper and cardboard can be recycled. Just make sure it’s the kind of paper that can be recycled; this includes everything from writing paper, notebook paper, stationery, newspapers, magazines, catalogs, phone books, paperboard boxes, and more. However, anything with a plastic-y, shiny film on it—like perhaps a magazine cover—may not be recyclable, so be sure to check first.
Buy recycled paper and notebooks with the recycled paper whenever possible. That way, your “new” purchase gives new life to something old.
Whether you’re handwriting on paper or printing out from your computer. Both sides, FTW!
We would tell you to recycle (or reuse!) your morning coffee cup, but you know what’s better more sustainable advice? Ditching the plastic, Styrofoam, or paper cup altogether and springing for a reusable instead.
Instead of buying items made of virgin materials, buying secondhand is always the more sustainable option.
Did you know that approximately 375 million cartridges are thrown in the garbage each year? Empty ink and toner cartridges from your printer must be recycled properly in order to mitigate harmful substances leaching into the environment. You can do this by either mailing your empty cartridge to a non-manufacturer mail-back program like Cash4Toners or dropping them off at your local office supply store. (Staples, Office Depot, and other major office supply retailers usually offer free recycling programs; Walgreens also refills empties.)
Related: 17 Earth Day Recipe Ideas for Kids
Buying recycled products has a similar impact as buying secondhand. And buying recycled paper products isn’t the only option either. Plenty of items are recycled—you just have to know where to look and what to look for. Need new shoes? Try Girlfriend Collective’s Re-Slide—a 100 percent closed-loop sandal-slide made in the USA. Not only is it made completely of recycled materials, but it can also be fully recycled again and made into another shoe. Now, that’s a closed loop.
Even if you already have a recycling bin at the ready in your kitchen or garage, it’s time to do more. Spread the recycling love from room to room, adding in a designated recycling bin anywhere you “make trash.” Want extra credit? Add composting bins, too! After all, plenty of bathroom-related items can be composted rather than unnecessarily trashed.
This one’s crucial and really dependent on your community and where you live. The better you know your pick-up schedule inside and out, the more likely you are to recycle correctly and avoid missing any pertinent recycling days.
Better Battery Co. takes the confusion out of recycling batteries properly. Since batteries can’t be thrown out and they can be tricky to recycle, Better Battery Co. makes it easier for the consumer by offering carbon-neutral batteries on a subscription service. Once your entire pack of Better Batteries has been depleted, send them back with its prepaid shipping label. Better Battery Co. and their partner Call2Recycle will then handle the recycling of all the depleted batteries (and packaging) the correct way. So, you don’t have to.
Technology is another difficult one to recycle as there are so many nuances with this type of recycling. What complicates the process most is that tech is often made of black plastic and also, multiple materials. Still, it’s important to do it correctly as according to the EPA, Americans are responsible for improperly throwing out as much as 2 million tons of e-waste annually. For more information on how to recycle e-waste near you, visit You can also drop off your e-waste at GreenMouse Recycling Inc., a third-party recycling company that exclusively focuses on e-waste.
Don’t be that person who puts recyclables inside a non-recyclable plastic bag. Even if you’re worried about the mess inside the bin; just don’t do it.
Anything smaller than a credit card can stop up recycling machines and make things really difficult for the employees (and technology) at your MRF. This includes everything from coffee pods and bottle caps to straws and paper clips.
Some items just simply can’t be recycled curbside, but that doesn’t mean you give up on them and send them to the landfill. These items—which generally include plastic wrap, film, plastic shopping bags and those air-shipping pillow things—can be returned to stores that will reuse them or properly recycle them. Check out your local office supply store to see if they’ll take these items back.
Related: How to Quit Single-Use Plastic
This one can be pretty controversial. Some say to remove them; others recommend compacting the bottle, then adding the cap back on. Either option is generally acceptable, but we’re going to suggest removing caps from the plastic bottles (unless you’re willing to compact the bottle first). For metals, you can keep the aluminum cap on there.
HDPE plastics that generally hold soda cans and beers together can be very harmful to marine life. Since it’s very light plastic, it has a way of blowing off machines and landfills and ending up in our waterways where it can harm, choke, and even kill wildlife. To ensure this doesn’t happen, cut it up into smaller pieces before trashing.
Drop off plastic grocery bags at the appropriate facility that will ensure they’re recycled properly. Or…
Another option is infinitely reusing them! Reusing is usually a more sustainable option than recycling, so you can totally be that person with an arsenal of reused plastic grocery bags under the sink. Use them for transporting just about anything as many times as you need. Or…
Return ’em! The grocery store and other places might offer to take them back.
If an item totes itself as “recyclable” but is made of combined materials, then it really isn’t recyclable. Combined materials wreak havoc at MRFs and cause a whole lot of headaches. Whenever possible, avoid buying these kinds of products in the first place, but in the event that you have a product like this, that’s reached the end of its life, throw it out instead of recycling it.
Out and about but have a disposable water bottle to recycle? But you can’t find the appropriate bin? Hold onto it a little longer rather than throwing it in the trash. Wait until you come across the right recycling bin even if it means bringing that bottle all the way home with you.
Upcycling is kind of another word for “reusing” an item. It just means to turn something into something else. For example, you could transform an old milk carton into a birdhouse or use toilet paper rolls to create seed starter pots. That’s upcycling and it’s great because you get new use out of an old thing and it extends that old thing’s life instead of ending it.
Before recycling or throwing out an item, try fixing it first. Plenty of things—like clothes, for example—can be patched or sewn in order to extend their lives rather than thrown in the bin.
Real talk: resin identification codes (RIC). It’s a set of numbers, a numerical system, the purpose of which is to identify the type of plastic resin used to make the item. This is crucial to ensuring plastic items get properly recycled. Let’s break it down in the simplest terms:
If you have the choice of recycling, throwing out, or donating, we hope that you pick donating every time. Donating gives items a second chance at life and staves off their trip to the landfill (or an MRF!) just a little longer. The longer the life span an item has, the more sustainable it can be. If you’re not sure where to bring your donations, check out charities like Freecycle and Recycler’s Exchange.
TerraCycle is a meaningful program because it spans the entire U.S. and is made up of different subcategories of various programs. They’ve partnered with all kinds of popular brands—from Colgate and Oxi Clean to Amika and Barilla Pasta—for send-backs. You simply apply to a program, then TerraCycle will send you the necessary label and packaging to send it back in. TerraCycle then handles the rest to make sure it’s appropriately recycled.
Related: The 10 Best Metal Straws on
One of the most significant ways to make an environmental impact is to change how you shop. You can do this by intentionally buying items that you know are recyclable or compostable. This will save you a lot of carbon footprint in the long run.
Lots of companies will claim to be “sustainable,” “eco-friendly,” or offer “recyclable” items. Most of the time, however, these are nothing but examples of green-washing since these terms aren’t really regulated. A business doesn’t need to do anything specific in order to flaunt these terms, so there really is no accountability. Instead, patronize businesses that have closed-loop systems in place. Here are our favorites: Eileen Fisher, ETICA Denim, Girlfriend Collective, Project Dash (a division of Door Dash), Thread, and Toast Ale.
We know—some important, confidential papers and files have to be shredded. But don’t get in the habit of doing it for everything. Smaller paper waste is trickier to recycle at MRFs.
You may recognize part of this from #21. If you’re going to recycle a plastic bottle and its bottle cap, make sure to compress the plastic bottle first in order to remove the air. Then, you can stick the cap back on. Otherwise, you can take the cap off and discard it separately.
Aluminum is totally recyclable (if it’s clean!). Make sure to clean it first, then ball it up before throwing it in the recycling bin.
Always, always, always give books another chance at life by donating them. As of 2022, it’s estimated that 320 million books end up in the landfill, discarded, each year, meaning they’re not donated or recycled.
Food, liquid, or any other kind of sticky or messy residue can contaminate all of the other recyclable items it’s with—even if just one recyclable is dirty. That’s why it’s important to rinse out your recyclables first. But in the event that you miss one, separate it from the clean recyclables to avoid contamination at the MRF. Otherwise, you risk rendering the entire bin useless for recycling.
Say WHAT? Water can be recycled—or really, reused—tons of times. It saves waste! You can adjust your plumbing to use rainwater or even wastewater from your shower to then flush your toilet. If that’s too big an expense (we get it—not everyone wants to revamp their plumbing), you can do things the old-fashioned way. Use a shower bucket to catch water, then water the garden with it. Draining pasta water? Never again let it go down the drain! Save that water and use it for plants, flushing toilets, or even washing dishes.
Grease stains qualify a piece of paper (and cardboard) as dirty, meaning non-recyclable. Compost these instead.
Understanding the difference between single- and dual-stream recycling is Recycling 101. It’s important to know which one you use in your municipality. Single-stream recycling refers to mixed materials all in one bin, which makes it easier for the depositor in that there’s no sorting necessary. However, single-stream lends itself to an increased likelihood of contamination. In dual-stream, pre-sorting materials are required: paper goes in one recycling bin while commingled containers go in another.
It rhymes for a reason; you should remember this mantra. Broken glass can’t be recycled and it only increases the risk that MRF personnel will get hurt.
Some clothing items like denim can be recycled—just drop those jeans off at Madewell! (And old bras can be brought to any Aerie store.) But all in all, if you can donate your clothes to a meaningful charity, individual person, or family you know will get more use out of your items, that will undoubtedly have a more significant impact.
As a general rule, choosing reusable—reusable anything!—is always a more sustainable option than sending something off to be recycled.
Anything with a reputation of tangling up in an MRF is called a tangler. This includes those single-use plastic grocery store bags, cords, ropes, and hoses.
Because scrap metal doesn’t belong in your curbside recycling bin.
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Liquid soils up recyclables, so if you can’t clean it out properly, it’s not for the recycling bin.
According to the EPA, a simple kitchen swap could save hundreds of thousands of trees. All you have to do is make the change to recycled paper towels in lieu of paper towel rolls that utilize virgin fibers.
Stop buying paper napkins! The fibers of such napkins are too short, which means they are not ideal to make into new paper or new napkins. Plus, if they’re used and dirtied up, that grease and oil contaminate the recycling. Sure, they can probably be composted if they haven’t been breached but why not opt for reusable cloth napkins that can be used, washed, and dried infinitely instead?
It cuts out so much toilet paper!
If the bidet life isn’t for you, just make sure you’re buying toilet paper that isn’t virgin.
Did you know that standard batteries cannot be thrown in the garbage? They’re notoriously difficult to recycle, too. Instead of worrying about either, make the sustainable switch to carbon-neutral rechargeable batteries—
Laundromats or dry cleaners are generally willing to take those metal hangers back. No need to recycle or trash them when they can be productively reused!
Believe it or not, old VHS tapes are also considered tanglers. The film gets out of the tape and tangles up other items on the assembly line, jamming the machines. Instead of trying to improperly recycle these old tapes, donate them to a local school or library.
As in, litter! If you’re biking around your neighborhood or walking the dog and happen to notice litter, it’s helpful to the environment to pick it up, bring it home, and sort it later. Some of these items may actually be recyclable. Others may have to go in the trash, but at least they’re not clogging up your community!
Remember: Both of these items are technically smaller than a credit card, so it’s best if they don’t enter your MRF through the recycling bin. Instead, avoid using these products altogether by instead bringing your own reusables with you. You can leave them in the car, in a bag or wallet, or bring them with you to a restaurant.
Listen, we’re not trying to make you feel like you’re back at school, but if you have the time, take a minute to look into “downcycling.” Penned by William McDonough and Michael Braungart, authors of Cradle to Cradle, it’s thought to be a more accurate description of how Americans actually recycle; as in, we simply delay the timeline of a product entering the landfill rather than truly recycling.
Switching out your old mattress for a new, more sustainable and eco-friendly one? Good on ya! But first, know that most elements of your mattress—if not all of them—can in fact be recycled, so long as it’s broken down and done properly. In order to properly recycle a mattress, you have a few options: some retailers will take the old one and recycle it at no charge; local recycling companies may also have the capacity to recycle each individual part; local sanitation may also offer a few days of the year on its recycling schedule in which they take bigger items like mattresses; and lastly, check out your state programs. California, Connecticut, and Rhode Island are known to have specific mattress recycling programs such as CA’s Bye Bye Mattress.
But first, you’ll need to check with your local recycling company to see if they will accept inflatable mattresses. Some places can and do, using plastic scraps to make liners, grill covers, and tarps.
This typically applies to air conditioners, fridges, and freezers and you’ll need a professional to remove the refrigerant from inside. Refrigerant has chemicals in it that would contaminate the recycling process, so it’s crucial to remove them first. (But it’s illegal to DIY it as those toxins could release into the air!)
The RAD program—Responsible Appliance Disposal—makes it possible to properly recycle appliances like fridges, freezers, dehumidifiers, and window AC units.
Most appliances are made of mixed materials, so be sure to recycle the metal separately by contacting a scrap metal facility near you.
Related: Eco-Friendly Products That Make It Easy to Be Green on Earth Day (and Every Day)
Unlike VHS tapes, old discs aren’t considered tanglers, but they still shouldn’t be thrown curbside (whether in the trash or in the recycling bin). Instead, mail your CDs (and DVDs!) to either CD Recycling Center of America or GreenDisk.
But wait, there’s a little more to it. First, it depends on which kind of packing peanuts you’re trying to recycle. Both pink and green can generally be recycled (green being the eco-friendlier version that’s more likely to definitely be recyclable), but you’ll want to contact your local recycling center first to make sure. Biodegradable peanuts—usually white or beige in color—simply break down on their own, so just run them under the sink for a bit. If your MRF won’t take the green or pink peanuts curbside, you can try a local takeback program (some United Parcel Service locations offer them) or try a Mail-in Recycling program with Expanded Polystyrene Industry Alliance.
Instead of chucking it in a bin, old sporting equipment—like yoga mats, weights, and weighted balls—can be recycled. Just not curbside. Do some research to find a local sporting equipment recycling program near you or simply donate it to an athletic center or local sports program. For yoga mats, JadeYoga offers a yoga mat recycling program in which it turns old mats into new yoga products.
Got cork? A natural cork, thankfully, can be easily composted at home. However, a non-natural wine cork—metal or synthetic—will have to be recycled. Check out the following cork recycling programs for more information: The Cork Forest Conservation Alliance (which has dropboxes in many Whole Foods), ReCORK (which lets you mail in 15 pounds of cork or more), and CorkClub Recycling (which lets you mail in natural and synthetic wine corks in shipments of five pounds).
According to Tree Hugger, 90 percent of solar panels end up in landfills. That kinda defeats the purpose, huh? To properly recycle a solar panel, you don’t need to call any specific solar-panel-recycling company; all you have to do is break down the major components yourself. Most solar panels consist of glass, plastic, and metal, so you’ll want to remove the cable, junction box, and frame. Sort each part by category: glass, plastic, or metal then recycle each part properly.
Glasses are made from multiple materials, but the glass lenses, plastic frames, and nose protectors can each be individually recycled. Not sure how? Contact your local eye doctor for more information; they might even take the parts back!
Your toothbrush can likely be recycled (or composted if it’s a bamboo one!). However, no matter which kind you have, you’ll have to cut the bristles off it first. The bristles cannot be recycled and will instead, jam up the recycling machines at the MRF.
Shaving with a sustainable metal safety razor? Collect those blades over time and send them back to Leaf Shave, who will take care of recycling them correctly.
We know—it’s shocking. But that stuff shouldn’t go in the garbage or down a drain. Some municipalities accept collected and stored motor oil for recycling, but you’ll have to reach out to your local one to find out if yours does (and how they go about collecting it, too). If that’s not an option, AutoZone accepts used/recycled motor oil!
When you think of how much waste there is in the world, we doubt you picture crayons. But alas, crayons are kind of a big problem! After all, Crayola alone makes millions per year. To properly recycle old, unwanted, or even broken crayons, check out National Crayon Recycling Program.
Need a new washing machine? Find a clothing washer recycling program near you through Energy Star. These programs take individual parts and ensure they are recycled correctly.
When strings of holiday lights stop working, don’t throw them away. And since they can’t be recycled curbside either, send them to HolidayLeds. They take non-working lights, remove what can’t be recycled from the set, and then bring them to a third-party facility.
This will likely vary by municipality, but if you simply type in Google, “recycle cooking oil,” a few local options should pop up for you. Local recycling and waste management services will often take stored, sealed cooking oil off your hands. You can also do this with butter and no need to separate the cooking oils by type.
Or else, give it to someone else to use. Fertilizer, unfortunately, cannot be recycled, but you should dispose of it correctly to mitigate any harm done to the environment. For liquid fertilizer, leave it in its container, lid on tight. Next, wrap it in newspaper to absorb any potential spillage. Put the container inside a trash bag, then tie it closed. This can go out with the regular trash.
Your old bike is not trash! We don’t care how banged up it is, repeat after us: Your old bike is not trash. If you want to get rid of an old bike and don’t have anyone specific to donate it to, check out Bikes of the World. They reuse used bike parts and sell them to low-income areas at affordable prices.
Most cell carriers will buy back or let you trade in your old cell phone for a newer, shinier model, but did you know that cell phones can also be recycled? Donating is usually a good option, but it can be recycled, too. To recycle your cell phone, you can deposit it at an ecoATM (often you’ll find these at malls, Kroger, or Walmart) or you can bring it to your local Best Buy.
Apparently, the mail is not trash—it’s recycling! According to United States Postal Service‘s website, “The Environmental Protection Agency recognizes all mail as recyclable mixed paper waste, so don’t forget to add yours to the recycle bin when you’re done with it.” Wow—that even threw us for a loop!
USPS is really doing a lot with their sustainability initiative because apparently stamps are made to be recyclable as well. And yes—that includes the adhesive on the back! explains, “Our stamps are recyclable and our stamp adhesives are environmentally benign and recycling compatible.” Kudos, USPS! And don’t throw that stamp out!
USPS makes all of their mail packaging recyclable. That’s everything from envelopes and bubble mailers to cards and business supplies.
Even if they weren’t purchased at IKEA originally, you can recycle your fluorescent bulbs with the Swedish furniture store’s Free Take-Back Program.
Carpets can’t last forever (you know what they say, nothing can). But you can make sure that you dispose of it correctly and we bet you didn’t know that your dusty old rug could, in fact, be recycled. Instead of hauling it to the curb, contact a carpet reclamation facility near you. They’ll take it off your hands and make sure it gets recycled into something new and great.
Search for yours at and get to know the ins and outs of what your local spot takes and doesn’t take.
Next up, you should be doing these 105 things to reduce your carbon footprint.
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