August 4, 2022 // by Eileen Zajac
Now that the toilet paper craze has ended and we're back to being able to make bulk toilet paper purchases, it's about time to learn all the ways to use this paper! Teachers, stop spending your classroom budget money on expensive board games and start spending it on cheap, 1-ply toilet paper!
Don't forget that it's not hard to roll your toilet paper back up and use it again and again. Eventually, it might get torn and worn out, but there's always use for everything.
A post shared by Benjamin (@benji.maddela)
Simply cut some rolls up, glue or tape them into a box like this and watch as your child works tirelessly to complete the maze!
Pro Tip: You can rearrange the maze if using tape rather than glue.
A post shared by Nikki Roffey (@phonics_frolics)
Practice phonics with this exciting game. This not only works with students reading skills but also helps to build their motor skills.
Make this into the perfect toilet paper race by having students compete against each other. Work on patience and concentration, focusing on not losing any squares.
Learn more: Tadika AZ Puteri Wangsa
A post shared by home is home (@home_ideas_diy)
Using rolls of toilet paper, create the perfect tic tac toe game in literally any setting. What you use for X's is totally up to you, but the rolls make the perfect O's.
Learn more: Home Ideas DIY
Place rolls of toilet paper in the center of the table and start the toilet paper battle. Works great for indoor recess or family game night.
This TikTok toilet paper transport game is super engaging for upper elementary and middle school students; the trick: DON'T BREAK THE PAPER.
This game is perfect for recess or at home. It will help to keep kiddos, parents, and students entertained. Make it a daily challenge in your classroom.
If you're home for the summer and looking for ways to get those sweet little laughs of amazement out of your little ones, then this might just be the activity for you.
Learn more: Jacob Feldman's Show
Looking for easy and inexpensive games this summer? Toilet paper toss can be played simply with a bucket and one or two rolls of toilet paper per team.
For some reason, toilet paper games are much more fun and exciting for everyone. This game only requires small balls and a humble toilet paper roll amount.
Learn more: Toys to Learn Colors
This game can be tricky and really relies on the teacher to explain completely. For every sheet of toilet paper, students will have to write something about themselves.
This game is super fun and challenging for students of all ages. Memory games are great for children and improve focus, attention, and concentration!
Learn more: Love Carpe Diem TV
Possibly one of the most fun and exciting games on this list. Turn your children into mummies and play mummy games all afternoon.
For some reason, anything to do with spies is always a huge hit, but spy toys can get quite pricy. But, not this bad boy!
In need of some simple recess games for this upcoming winter? Look no further! This is essentially a life-size Jenga and can be played with just 10 rolls of paper.
Learn more: The Cyrus Experience
This game can be tailored to fit the kids in your class or assembly. Split kiddos into teams, choose one "model," and see which team can create the coolest toilet paper outfit.
Boost your kiddo's concentration during recess and free time. This exciting game is easy to make but quite challenging to play. Have students mark their points on the whiteboard for added excitement.
Learn more: Jasper Jennings UMCs
Day 48#toiletpapergames 🤣🧻 Blindfolded TP stacking...
@AshleyCSpencer brings us into her family game world with this TP stacking adventure. Kids will be blindfolded and challenged to make the toilet paper tower!
Learn more: Ashley C Spencer
Day 49#toiletpapergames 🤣🧻
Who can get 3 in a row first? This is so much more than just a Tic-Tac-Toe game. Spice it up by allowing kiddos to knock each other out and take their square.
Crowfoot Snowman’s ⛄️ competition! #toiletpaperfun #1ply
Before the break, Christmas parties are always the same. It's nice for teachers to get a little break, but what if everyone was involved in this snowman competition? SO. MUCH. FUN.
There's nothing better than incorporating a STEM project into your Friday free time routine. Save up your TP rolls and let your kiddos go to town, making the best marble run!
Learn more: STEM Activities for Kids
These simple Marshmallow shooters will spice up any rainy day stuck inside. Create a laser tag-type game with them and join in on the fun! All day fun with only 3 materials.
Learn more: Growing a Jeweled Rose
Did you know you can buy a plunger for under $10? Typical outdoor lawn games cost at least $20, but you can create your own with some toilet paper and plungers.
Learn more: Party Games Ideas
Flinging rubber bands has never been more competitive. Tuck, the toilet paper into the soda cans, drape them on a stick, and be the first to knock the can down.
Learn more: The Young Life Leader Blog
If your kiddos have tons of energy and you're struggling to find ways to let them get it all out, then this might just be the most simple yet challenging setup yet.
Undoubtedly, at this point, every teacher has a few Zoom brain breaks up their sleeve. This is one you're definitely going to want to add to your list!
This is simple and will keep your kids busy and entertained for hours. Well, at least until they master the science behind the proper rolling technique.
A post shared by MyButler Kuesnacht (@mybutler.kuesnacht)
If you have a unit on any famous building worldwide, see if your kiddos can imitate it! Your kids will love the challenge, but they'll also understand the true beauty of toilet paper art.
Learn more: My Butler Kuesnacht
A post shared by Gasoline Vibes (@gasolinevibes)
@gasolinevibes clearly has a lot of time and talent on their hands. You'll be surprised at how much your kiddos also have. Make your very own lifesize Rupe Goldberg Machine.
A post shared by Linda (@lindawill81)
Is it possible to bring toilet paper into PE class? The answer is YES! There are surprisingly tons of different exercises and challenges that can be recreated for your PE class.
A post shared by RebelutionYouthGroup (@rebelutionyouthgroup2080)
We've had regular outfits and snowman outfits, so why not superheroes? You won't be disappointed with this if you're looking for a fun challenge in the classroom or at home.
Learn more: Rebelution Youth Group 2080
Who can hike the most rolls into the hula hoops? This game will be a huge hit with kiddos of any age, especially those football lovers.
Learn more: Stuff You Can Use
This is a game of serious concentration. See if you can beat your kids or if they can beat each other! Everyone will be surprised at how difficult this game really is.
Many of the games on this list have been for older kids, but there's enough for everyone! This simple one works your toddler's brain to new levels.
Learn more: Happy Toddler Playtime
Watch the magic happen as kiddos of every age use their creative skills to build some of the most unique castles. The best part, everyone is different.
Learn more: Mini Mad Things
This game consists of the leftover toilet paper or paper towel rolls you have lying around the house. Simply find different objects and have your kiddos attempt to balance them.
Learn more: Days With Grey
If your kiddos are into target games, this will be loads of fun! It's easy to make and will guarantee engagement for at least 30 minutes.
Learn more: Family F.E.D., Family Fun Every Day
Now, this has previously been used for baby showers. The main idea is to make the best diaper, BUT this could also go along with your child's favorite Captain Underpants book.
Halloween is closer than you think. If you're planning a party this year in the classroom or at home, this game is a great idea for saving money and having fun.
Do you know how easy and exciting it is to make puppets out of toilet paper rolls? You can find a template for almost any character or animal with a simple google search.
Take your toilet paper roll crafts to a whole new level. You could create an entire doll house filled with dolls and people using paper towels and toilet paper rolls.
Learn more: Learning for Kids
This creation is so easy to make but will keep your kiddos entertained for much longer than you think. It's both colorful and easy for them to hold/stick.
Flag creations are fun, especially out of toilet paper. See who can create the best flag first, and then use the top two for a game of Capture the Flag.
Learn more: Very Well Family
This was quite the highly rated game in my class last year for recess. This is a safe game to play indoors and a really fun game for kiddos to learn.
Learn more: The Science Factory
If you have soccer lovers in your classroom, then letting the show off their tricks might just get them engaged and keep them busy during indoor recess or a rainy day.
Blending words can easily be made into a super fun game. This game will help any child visualize how words are built.
Learn more: Laughing Kids Learn
How many times can your kiddos make it around the circle without breaking the toilet paper?
Pro tip: Make it more challenging by using 1-ply toilet paper
Learn more: Youth Work Practice
This can work with tissue paper (as in the video), OR you could have your students do this with a toilet paper roll. Simply unwind the toilet paper roll the fasted & win!
Learn more: FRC Team 3313 Mechatronics
Working on your toddler's motor skills has never been more simple. Cut up leftover paper towels or toilet paper rolls to create this fun, fine motor activity.
Learn more: Finding Myself Young
Get the ball from one end of the room to the other. The twist: You can't let the ball fall out of your toilet paper rolls.
Learn more: Family F.E.D., Family Fun Every Day